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Fossils, primarilly and nonspecifically.

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3w ago

Evidence for plant evolution includes fossil records showing gradual changes in plant morphology over millions of years, molecular studies revealing genetic similarities among different plant species, and observations of plant adaptations to various environmental conditions supporting the concept of natural selection driving evolutionary changes. Additionally, the diversity of plant species and the geographical distribution patterns of plants provide further evidence for evolution.

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Q: What evidence is there for plant evolution?
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What was Darwin's evidence for evolution?


The evolution of the plant kingdom can be inferred by studying?

The evolution of the plant kingdom can be inferred by studying plant fossils, comparative morphology of plants, genetic relationships among plant species, and ecological adaptations of different plant groups. These sources provide insight into the diversification, development, and relationships among plant species over time.

How is fossil evidence of evolution dissproved?

Fossil evidence of evolution is not typically disproved, as fossils are considered crucial pieces of evidence in supporting the theory of evolution. However, the interpretation of fossil evidence can sometimes be open to debate or revision based on new discoveries or scientific understanding. Overall, the accumulation of diverse fossil evidence provides strong support for the concept of evolution and the relatedness of different species.

Does the fossil record support the idea of evolution or the idea that God created each kind of plant and animal individually?

The fossil record supports the idea of evolution by showing a progression of life forms over time, with species changing and adapting to their environments. This evidence aligns with the theory that species have evolved from common ancestors.

How do fossils provide evidence that evolution has taken place?

Fossils show evidence of evolution by showing a picture to the past and through some methods how DNA of one animal may be similar to that of a modern animal.

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Dinosaur bones, plant fossil, sealife fossil the evidence proves that there were animals long ago, and can support evolution

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In evolution the study of vertebrate forelimbs is related to the anatomical evidence from homology.

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In evolution the study of vertebrate forelimbs is related to the anatomical evidence from homology.

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Why are adaptations evidence of evolution?

Adaptations, such as structural changes or behavioral traits in organisms, are evidence of evolution because they reflect the process of natural selection acting on heritable variations over time. Organisms that possess advantageous adaptations are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing these traits on to their offspring, which can accumulate and lead to changes in populations or species. This gradual accumulation of adaptations is a key mechanism of evolutionary change.

You do not want to change though you believe in evolution?

I do not ' believe ' in evolution, but I am convinced by the evidence.

What are 2 types of evidence that suggest that evolution has occured?

Accept fossil evidence, anatomical evidence, molecular evidence

How do you use the word countervail in a sentence?

"The evidence for evolution countervails over the arguments against it." THis means that evidence for evolution counteracts the arguments against it.

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