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It's size.

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Q: What evidence help sciencetist decidet that if Pluto is dwarf?
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Is Pluto a plant?

Pluto is not a planet. It is is a dwarf planet, it was once a plant but sciencetist now say it isnt a plant

What did Pluto start out as?

sciencetist think that planet were formed my rocky icy matierial but Pluto didn;t get enough befor the others so he was puhed back where they recently found alot like 400 dwarf planets

What is Pluto the dwarf planet an example of?

Pluto the dwarf planet is an example of of a dwarf planet.

What is Pluto really?

Pluto is a dwarf planet. there has been dwarf planets found bigger then pluto.

Was there a storm or tornado on Pluto?

There is no evidence of storms on Pluto, but little is known about the dwarf planet. Most likely, though it does not have enough of an atmosphere fore storms to occur.

What is the other name of 134340?

The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.

When Pluto was made a dwarf planet?

Pluto Became a Dwarf Planet in 2007.

What was the the planet that is no longer a planet in your solar system?

Pluto, it is now a dwarf planet or planetoid.

Use evident in a sentence?

It is evident, based on current scientific classification, that Pluto is a dwarf planet.

Is Pluto a gaseous dwarf planet?

No. Pluto is a rocky/icy dwarf planet. In fact, no dwarf planets are gaseous.

Is Pluto actually a dwarf planet?

As of 2006, Pluto has been classified as a dwarf planet.

What is the characters of Pluto?

Pluto is. Dwarf planet