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Q: What evidence can you cite that the interstellar medium contains both gas and dust?
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Interstellar was written by both Christopher and Jonathan Nolan.

What is meant by the medium of a wave?

Waves need a medium to propagate themselves through. The waves generated on a pond by a falling droplet need a medium, in this case its the very water of the pond. Sound waves can propagate both though a water medium or an air medium for example. Electromagnetic waves are an exception in that they do not need a medium to propagate through (the can propagate through the void of interstellar space).

The space between stars is known to contain what?

The space between stars is known to contain gas, dust, and dark matter. These elements make up the interstellar medium, which plays a crucial role in the formation of new stars and planetary systems. The interstellar medium also influences the dynamics of galaxies and the evolution of the universe.

What does nebular mean?

'Nebular' means 'like a nebula'. - A nebula is a diffuse mass of interstellar dust or gas or both, visible as luminous patches.

What does sound have to travel through?

Sound and vibration are both mechanical vibrations of a medium, and thus demand a medium for their travel. Note- they vibrate the medium - they are not independent of the medium as is light.

Which method of heat transfer use a medium?

Convection is the method of heat transfer that requires a medium such as air or water to transfer heat. In convection, the heat is transferred through the movement of the medium itself.

What do electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves have in common?

Both types of waves are forms of energy that transfer without the transfer of matter. They both involve oscillations or vibrations, but electromagnetic waves do not require a medium for propagation, while mechanical waves do.

Light is not a wave because it does not need a medium?

Light can exhibit both particle-like and wave-like properties, known as wave-particle duality. In the wave theory of light, light is considered an electromagnetic wave that can propagate through a vacuum without a medium. This is supported by experimental evidence such as the double-slit experiment and interference patterns.

How is a transverse wave and a compressional wave similar?

Both transverse and compressional waves are types of mechanical waves that transfer energy through a medium. They both involve oscillations of particles in the medium. The speed of both types of waves depends on the properties of the medium through which they travel.

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An expression which contains polynomials in both the numerator and denominator.

which word contains both a prefix and a suffix?

'Unfaithful' contains both a prefix and a suffix: UN-faith-FUL.

Have any human probe left your solar system and gone into interstellar space?

Voyager One and Voager Two have both passed beyond the orbit of Pluto.