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Fossil distribution, sub-surface fit of continents, geological provinces. distribution of plant and animal species, paleomagnetism stripes alongside the mid ocean ridges, tectonic plate movements. All these and more help establish the existence of Pangaea.

BTW there may well have been two previous super continental groupings, Rodinia, and Columbia.

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13y ago
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3mo ago

Glaciers left behind distinct glacial deposits and landforms, such as moraines and striations, that match up across continents, suggesting they were once connected. This evidence of glacial activity can be found in regions that are now separated by oceans, supporting the theory of Pangaea's existence.

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12y ago

There is much evidence that Pangaea existed and that the seven continents used to be as one. Here are just some:

1. The most obvious piece of evidence is that the eastern coast of South America fits almost perfectly with the western coast of Africa.

2. In the fossil record, remains of the therapsid Lystrosaurus as well as the plant Glossopteris have been found in South Africa, India, and Australia, three regions currently separated by thousands of miles of ocean.

3. Similarly, fossils of the freshwater reptile Mesosaurus have been found on the coasts of Brazil and West Africa.

4. A polar ice cap covered the southern end of Pangaea during the Carboniferous period, and glacial deposits of the same age and structure are found throughout the southern continents.

5. The continuity of mountain chains also provides evidence. For example, the Appalachian Mountains extend from the northeastern US to the Caledonides of Ireland, Britain, and Scandinavia.

6. Paleomagnetic study of rocks can help scientists reconstruct the exact positions of continents at specific points in Earth's history.

7. There is direct evidence from very accurate measuring techniques that the movement of the continents is continuing today.

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11y ago

glacier markings have been found in many random places on earth but when matched up they reveal the trail of an ancient glaceir

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Q: What evidenc did glacier leave for the existence of pangaea?
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Could a glacier leave behind petrified wood?

No, a glacier would not be able to leave behind petrified wood. Petrified wood forms when wood is buried underground and minerals slowly replace the organic material, a process that takes thousands to millions of years. Glaciers can transport and erode materials, but they do not create petrified wood.

What do glaciers leave behind as they leave?

They leave behind cold water. <><><> They also leave behind to rock and soil that they have pushed forward, known as morraine. THIS IS TRUE.Gradpoint/Novanet :) ;) -jesstyn wise a.k.a bill

A large hole left behind by a glacier is called a(n)?

A hole in the ground left by a glacier is called a"kettle." Many of these form shallow lakes, as with the kettle lakes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario. This could also be called a cirque which is defined as a bowl-shaped, steep-walled mountain basin carved by glaciation, often containing a small, round lake. Cirque lake is a phrase used to describe these kinds of lakes.

What are hills left by glaciers?

Hills left by glaciers are known as moraines. Moraines are formed when glaciers transport and deposit sediments and rocks at their edges or as ridges within the glacier. These hills can vary in size and shape depending on the flow and behavior of the glacier.

Is an ice glacier powerful?

Yes, glaciers can be powerful in terms of shaping and reshaping landscapes through processes like erosion and deposition. Glaciers can carve out valleys, move massive boulders, and leave behind distinctive landforms as they advance and retreat.

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The land left behind after a glacier passed through it would most likely become?

a U-shaped valley with steep sides and a flat bottom due to the erosion caused by the glacier. Once the glacier retreats, it will leave behind a variety of landforms such as moraines, drumlins, and kettle lakes.

Could a glacier leave behind petrified wood?

No, a glacier would not be able to leave behind petrified wood. Petrified wood forms when wood is buried underground and minerals slowly replace the organic material, a process that takes thousands to millions of years. Glaciers can transport and erode materials, but they do not create petrified wood.

What do glaciers leave behind as they leave?

They leave behind cold water. <><><> They also leave behind to rock and soil that they have pushed forward, known as morraine. THIS IS TRUE.Gradpoint/Novanet :) ;) -jesstyn wise a.k.a bill

When glaciers melt do they leave rocks behind?

Yes, when glaciers melt, they can leave behind rocks that were previously frozen within the ice. These rocks are known as glacial erratics and are often found in places where the glacier previously flowed.

What shape valley does a glacier leave?

Glacial valleys (also known as glacial troughs) tend to be u-shaped, as opposed to river valleys which are v-shaped.

What does glacier debris mean?

Glacier debris refers to the rock, sediment, and other material that a glacier picks up and transports as it moves. This debris can range in size from small particles to large boulders and can be carried on the surface of the glacier or within the glacier itself. When the glacier melts or retreats, it can leave behind this debris, which can provide important clues about the glacier's movement and history.

A large hole left behind by a glacier is called a(n)?

A hole in the ground left by a glacier is called a"kettle." Many of these form shallow lakes, as with the kettle lakes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ontario. This could also be called a cirque which is defined as a bowl-shaped, steep-walled mountain basin carved by glaciation, often containing a small, round lake. Cirque lake is a phrase used to describe these kinds of lakes.

What if I get into heaven and don't like it there can I leave?

If there really is a heaven, you probably can not leave, because the alternatives are no-existence (Judaism), hell (Christianity and Islam), or a return to earth, presumably forever. If there is no heaven, then you will never really go there.

What do glaciers leave behind as evidence of their existence?

Glaciers leave behind a variety of evidence of their existence, including moraines (piles of rock and sediment), striations (scratches on bedrock), erratics (large boulders transported by glaciers), and U-shaped valleys carved by glacial erosion. These features can help scientists reconstruct past glacial activity and understand the geologic history of an area.

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