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Q: What eukaroytes and prokaryotes?
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Are protozoa prokaryotes or eukaroytes?

None of the Above.

Do Prokaryotes have Prokaryotes?

yes prokaryotes have prokaryotes

What is another word for prokaryotes?

Bacteria is also known as prokaryotes Bacteria is also known as prokaryotes

What living organisms are prokaryotes?

Bacterium are prokaryotes

What kinds of organisms are prokaryotes?

Prokaryotes are bacteria.

Are prokaryotes living organisms?

Bacterium are prokaryotes

How many cells do organisms that are prokaryotes have?

Prokaryotes are singular celled organisms. Bacteria (mainly)are known as Prokaryotes.

Are all monerans prokaryotes?

Yes, Monerans are prokaryotes.

Are prokaryotes singled-celled?

Yes, prokaryotes are unicellular.

Difference in prokaryotes and eukaryotes with photosynthsis?

prokaryotes have a nucleas

How do you spell prokaryotes?

Exactly as you spelled it in your question: prokaryotes.

Do not have a nucleus prokaryotes eukaryotes?

Prokaryotes have no distinct nucleus.