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RNA polymerase

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The enzyme responsible for transcribing tRNA in eukaryotes is known as RNA polymerase III. It specifically transcribes genes that encode transfer RNAs (tRNAs) as well as other small non-coding RNAs.

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Q: What enzyme transcribes tRNA in eukaryotes?
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What transcribes mRNA?

DNA transcribes mRNA through a process called transcription. The enzyme RNA polymerase synthesizes the mRNA by reading the DNA template strand and creating a complementary RNA strand. This mRNA molecule carries the genetic information from the DNA to be translated into proteins in the cell.

What enzyme catalyzes the attachment of an amino acid to tRNA?

Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase is the enzyme responsible for catalyzing the attachment of an amino acid to tRNA. This process is vital for protein synthesis, ensuring that the correct amino acid is paired with its corresponding tRNA molecule.

Is DNA a type of enzyme that puts together amino acid to make a protein?

No, DNA is not an enzyme. DNA provides the genetic information necessary for the synthesis of proteins, but it does not directly put together amino acids to form proteins. Enzymes are proteins that catalyze biochemical reactions in the cell, including the process of protein synthesis.

What enzyme transcribes DNA?

RNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for transcribing DNA into RNA during the process of transcription.

How does a retrovirus differ from other viruses?

A retrovirus transcribes RNA into DNA, whereas a regular virus transcribes DNA into RNA. (:

What makes the beginning of a new gene on DNA in eukaryotes?

The beginning of a new gene on DNA in eukaryotes is marked by the promoter region, which is a specific sequence of nucleotides that initiates the process of transcription by binding to RNA polymerase. This binding signals the start of gene transcription, allowing the RNA polymerase to begin synthesizing a complementary RNA molecule from the DNA template.

Why does tRNA have a T shape?

tRNA has a T shape because it is an L-shaped molecule that folds into this structure due to its specific sequence and base pairing. This T shape allows tRNA to carry an amino acid at one end and recognize the corresponding codon on mRNA during translation in protein synthesis.

What controls the bonding of specific amino acids to their correct tRNAs in a cell?

A group of enzymes called aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases control the specific bonding of amino acids to their correct tRNAs in a cell. Each amino acid has its own corresponding aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase that attaches it to the appropriate tRNA molecule based on recognition of specific sequences. This process ensures that the correct amino acid is incorporated into a growing polypeptide chain during protein synthesis.

How do you make a protein from DNA?

mRNA transcribes a strand of DNA and carries the genetic code to a ribosome, where the mRNA code is translated by tRNA into a strand of amino acids, making a protein.

Which RNA molecules are involvedin the synthesis or a protein?

mRNA, rRNA, tRNA mRNA transcribes the genetic code and carries it to a ribosome, which is composed of rRNA and proteins, and tRNA carries amino acids to the ribosome where the amino acids are assembled in the correct sequence according to the mRNA code.

What part of the cell does tRNA come from?

tRNA comes from aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. An Amino Acid, Nucleotide, and Anticodon are bound together by an enzyme. It is then used for protein synthesis. Source: I am in a college level Biology class.

Why eukaryotes need 3 RNA polymerase?

Eukaryotes have three RNA polymerases - I, II, and III - that transcribe different types of genes. RNA polymerase I transcribes genes that code for ribosomal RNA, RNA polymerase II transcribes protein-coding genes, and RNA polymerase III transcribes genes that code for small non-coding RNAs such as transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA. This division of labor allows for efficient and specialized gene expression in eukaryotic cells.