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Catalase is the most well known enzyme common to both liver and potato, but there are others enzymes that can be found in potato.

Oxidase and peroxidase are the other enzymes that can be found in potato. Oxidases in potato includes tyrosinase, cathecol oxidase and cytochrome oxidase. Peroxidase have the same function as with oxidase but they need a co-factor in order to complete its required action. The co-factor phenol oxidase is found abundant in potatoes. Hence, it will have a positive reaction once a substrate will be added indicating the presence of peroxidase in potatoes.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 1mo ago

The enzyme present in both liver and potatoes is catalase. Catalase helps break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Liver and potatoes contain high levels of catalase to help protect cells from damage caused by reactive oxygen species.

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Q: What enzyme is present in liver and potatoes?
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Household food items that can break down hydrogen peroxide?

potatoes or liver anything with the enzyme catalase

Why does liver break down H2O2 faster than potato?

The liver contains higher levels of catalase enzyme, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen. Potatoes also contain catalase, but in lower levels compared to the liver. This difference in enzyme concentration causes the liver to break down H2O2 faster than potatoes.

What are some good sources of the human enzyme catalase?

Good sources of the human enzyme catalase include liver, kidney, and red blood cells, which are rich in this enzyme. Other sources include fruits like kiwi and vegetables like broccoli, as well as certain microorganisms like yeast and bacteria. Catalase is also found in high concentrations in the liver due to its role in breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen.

Why does fresh liver react better in H2O2 then boiled liver?

Fresh liver contains catalase, an enzyme that helps break down hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water and oxygen. Boiling denatures the enzyme, reducing its ability to react with H2O2 effectively. This is why fresh liver reacts better in hydrogen peroxide compared to boiled liver.

Why was liver used as a source of this enzyme?

liver is an organic compound that contains HIGH levels of catalase (enzyme)

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What is the liver enzyme?


What liver enzyme metabolizes medications?

CYP2D6. This enzyme metabolizes some drugs, convert them to a form that can be removed from the body. Genes determine the level of this enzyme in the liver.

What are normal liver enzyme levels for a rabbit?

The normal liver enzyme levels for a rabbit should be 40 percent. Cyanide exposure improves the rabbit's enzyme level.

What kinds of foods fizz when you put hydrogen peroxide on it?

Foods that are high in catalase enzyme, such as potatoes and liver, typically fizz when hydrogen peroxide is applied to them due to the enzyme's ability to break down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water, creating bubbles.

Where is an enzyme in the digestive system?

In the liver.

What were the differences between the reactions of fresh liver and potato cubes in hydrogen peroxide?

Fresh liver contains the enzyme catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water, leading to bubbling. Potato cubes do not contain catalase and therefore do not produce bubbles when exposed to hydrogen peroxide. This difference in reaction is due to the presence or absence of catalase enzyme in the tissues.