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Reverse transcriptase or RT.

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The enzyme needed to convert RNA into DNA in a process called reverse transcription is called reverse transcriptase. This enzyme is unique to retroviruses, such as HIV, which use it to convert their RNA genome into DNA once they infect a host cell.

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Q: What enzyme is needed to turn a RNA virus into a DNA virus?
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Which enzyme are retroviruses equiped with that allows them to transcribe DNA from an RNA template?

Retroviruses are equipped with the enzyme called reverse transcriptase, which transcribes RNA into DNA. This enzyme is crucial for the retroviral life cycle as it allows the virus to integrate its genetic material into the host cell's genome.

Which enzyme would probably not be needed for DNA replication?

DNA helicase

How does a retrovirus differ from other viruses?

A retrovirus transcribes RNA into DNA, whereas a regular virus transcribes DNA into RNA. (:

What happens when RNA is extracted from a virus is injected into a host cell?

When RNA from a virus is injected into a host cell, the cell's machinery will use that viral RNA as a template to produce viral proteins. This may lead to the replication of the virus within the host cell, ultimately causing the infection to spread.

What enzyme do you need to get a copy of DNA from mRNA?

The enzyme needed to make a DNA copy of RNA (including mRNA) is called reverse transcriptase. This enzyme is capable of synthesizing a complementary DNA strand from an RNA template, which is the first step in generating a cDNA (complementary DNA) library.

What is a reterovirus?

A retrovirus is a type of RNA virus that uses the enzyme reverse transcriptase to convert its RNA genome into DNA once inside a host cell. This DNA is then integrated into the host cell's genome, allowing the virus to replicate along with the host cell. Examples of retroviruses include HIV and HTLV.

What enzyme manufactures DNA that is complementary to a virus's RNA?

The enzyme that manufactures DNA complementary to the virus's RNA is called reverse transcriptase. Reverse transcriptase converts the viral RNA into DNA, which can then be integrated into the host cell's genome. This process is a key step in the replication cycle of retroviruses like HIV.

What happens when genes are altered by a deadly virus?

When genes are altered by a deadly virus, it can disrupt normal cellular functions, leading to disease. The altered genes may result in abnormal protein production, immune system evasion, or cellular transformation. This can ultimately lead to the development of severe symptoms and potentially fatal outcomes.

Which enzyme is required for RNA virus to multiply in the host cell?

Reverse transcriptase. Runs off a DNA strand(s) from the virus RNA template.

What enzyme is needed in order for transcription to take place?

RNA polymerase is the enzyme needed for transcription to take place. It catalyzes the synthesis of an RNA molecule from a DNA template.

How does enzyme restriction limit the affect of a virus?

Enzyme restriction acts as a defense mechanism by cutting viral DNA at specific recognition sites, preventing the virus from replicating effectively in the host cell. This limits the virus's ability to spread and cause infection.

The aids virus a retrovirus uses what to read RNA and synthesize the corresponding DNA?

An enzyme called Reverse transcriptase.