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Q: What environmental conditions are thought to have existed during the hadea eon?
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What is the ability of a seed to postpone development during harsh environmental conditions is known as?

The ability of a seed to postpone development during harsh environmental conditions is known as dormancy. This allows the seed to wait until conditions are more favorable for germination and growth.

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answer it for me plz thanks

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What conditions existed that allawed people to inflict such cruelty?

A war, greater secrecy and more authority is given during a war.

What is evoluotion?

the prosses in whichdifferent types of living organisums are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the time before we existed

What factors influence epigenetics?

Extreme environmental conditions influence epigenetics. There are certain chemical compounds adhering to the genetic material but not altering the DNA sequence during conditions of stress to the organism. For example proline protects the plants from wilting during conditions of drought.

A long period of inactivity where organisms survive unfavorable environmental conditions?

This is known as dormancy. Organisms enter a state of reduced metabolic activity to conserve energy until conditions improve. Dormancy is a way for organisms to survive during periods of harsh environmental conditions such as extreme cold or drought.

Does the conditions existed during rizals time present in the society today?

Yes, some conditions that existed during Rizal's time are still present today, such as social injustices, corruption, and lack of access to quality education or healthcare for all. The fight against these issues remains ongoing, echoing the themes that Rizal himself emphasized in his writings and actions.

During a certain four-month period the consumer price index (CPI) increased by only 5. But during the next four-month period it decreased by 10. Which of these conditions must have existed during the?
