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It form chemical energy i.e. ATP (Adenosine Tri-phosphate)

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11y ago

Cellular respiration converts chemically energy stored in food molecules into chemical energy stored in molecules of ATP.

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10y ago

Chemical energy is released.Energy is stored back in ATP.

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12y ago

ATP (adeninetri-phoshate)

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Q: What energy does cellular respiration convert?
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Can cells convert energy?

Yes, through cellular respiration.

What substances are nedded for cellular respiration to take place and what substances are during cellular respiration?

The substances that are needed for cellular respiration are glucose and oxygen. During cellular respiration, the cells convert food into usable energy.

What two things do animals cells convert into energy during cellular respiration?

During cellular respiration, animal cells convert glucose and oxygen into energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Do humans carry both cellular respiration and photosynthesis?

No, humans do not carry out photosynthesis. Instead, humans rely on cellular respiration to convert nutrients into energy. Photosynthesis is a process unique to plants, algae, and some bacteria, where they convert sunlight into energy.

Why ia cellular respiration important?

Cellular respiration is how we convert food into energy. You clicking that mouse required energy. Well food itself can't help you click that mouse. You need to convert the glucose and other stuff into ATP.

What is the relationship between digestion and respiration?

You need oxygen to convert food into energy and this process is called cellular respiration

How do cells take in nutrients and convert it into energy?

the mithocondria turns nutrients/food energy

What is sellular?

I assume you mean cellular respiration, and the function of it is to convert sugar into usable energy.

What is sellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is the process through which cells convert glucose and oxygen into energy, carbon dioxide, and water. This process occurs in the mitochondria of cells and involves several complex biochemical reactions that release energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the main energy source for cellular activities.

Where does Cellular Respiration Occur.?

cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria

What does cellular respiration do to benefit organism?

Cellular respiration is the process by which organisms convert glucose into energy (ATP) to fuel cellular activities. This energy is essential for various biological processes, such as growth, movement, and reproduction. Ultimately, cellular respiration is vital for an organism's survival and overall function.