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Q: What energy comes from plate tectonics?
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Samilarties and differences between volvano and plate tectonics?

Volcanos are mountains in which lava comes out and plate tectonics is the theory of plates moving.

Why is plate tectonics a suitable name for the study of plate motion. Explain?

It is a suitable name because tectonics comes from the Greek word tekton which means builder, and plate tectonics refers to the building of the features on Earth's surface due to deformation caused by plate movements...

Which theory describes the motion of earth's crust on its mantle?

plate tectonics=D

Does the sun support the process of plate tectonics?

No, the sun's energy heats the Earth's atmosphere and surface, but it does not directly drive plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is primarily driven by heat from the Earth's interior, specifically by the heat generated by radioactive decay in the mantle.

How do volcanoes help plate tectonics?

Volcanoes don't help plate tectonics; volcanoes are the result of plate tectonics.

What is The theory that describes large scales movements of the lithosphere called?

Plate tectonics

Where does energy come from that causes the earth to change?

The Earth's energy primarily comes from the Sun, which drives processes like weather patterns, ocean currents, and the water cycle through solar radiation. Some energy also comes from the Earth's internal heat, which fuels processes like plate tectonics and volcanism.

What theory states that plates move around on the athenosphere?

The theory that states that plates move around on the asthenosphere is called plate tectonics. This theory explains the movement of the Earth's lithosphere into different plates and their interactions at plate boundaries due to the convective currents in the asthenosphere beneath them.

What are the huge sections of the earth's crust that move called?

The huge sections of the Earth's crust that move are called tectonic plates. These plates float on the semi-fluid layer beneath them, known as the asthenosphere, and their movements contribute to processes like earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain formation.

Which of geologic processes formed most of californias nonmetalic mineral resources?

plate tectonics

Is there evidence of plate tectonics on Venus?

There is no conclusive evidence of plate tectonics on Venus. Although Venus does have tectonic features such as fractures and faults, they do not show the same pattern of movement and subduction observed on Earth. Additionally, Venus lacks evidence of large-scale crustal recycling associated with plate tectonics.

Do you feel the effects of plate tectonics?

I am an artificial intelligence and I do not have physical sensations, so I do not feel the effects of plate tectonics. Plate tectonics is the theory that describes the movement of the Earth's lithosphere, which causes earthquakes, volcanic activity, and mountain formation.