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The elemnts that act like metals and non-metals are termed metalloids. the elemnts tht touch the line are Boron, Aluminium, Silicon, Germanium Arsenic Antimony Tellurium Polonium and Astatine. Not all of these are metalloids, Aluminium is metallic and polonium is quite metallic.

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Q: What elements touch the zigzag line and act like metals and non metals?
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What type of elements can be found on the left of a zig zag line on a periodic table?

Metals are typically found on the left of a zigzag line on the periodic table. These elements tend to be good conductors of heat and electricity, malleable, and ductile. Examples include metals like iron, copper, and sodium.

Most of the elements that form a zigzag line in the periodic table belong to one major group what is that group and what kinds of properties do its elements tend to have?

The elements that form a zigzag line on the periodic table belong to the metalloids group. Metalloids have properties that are intermediate between metals and nonmetals. They typically exhibit characteristics of both groups, such as being semi-conductive and having varying degrees of metallic and non-metallic properties.

What elements are found to the right of the zigzag line on the periodic table?

Elements found to the right of the zigzag line on the periodic table are nonmetals such as nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, and noble gases like helium and neon. These elements generally have properties like low melting points, poor conductivity, and tend to form negative ions in chemical reactions.

Are most elements not metal?

No, most elements are metals. The majority of elements on the periodic table are classified as metals, with properties like luster, conductivity, and malleability. Non-metals and metalloids make up a smaller portion of the elements.

How many metals are there in the elements?

There are nearly 80 metals in the periodic table of elements, including common ones like iron, copper, and gold as well as less-known metals like tantalum and lutetium. Metals are typically found on the left side of the periodic table and share properties like good conductivity and malleability.

How are halogens like metals?

Halogens are not like metals. Halogens are elements missing one electron for full valency.

What do metals respond to?

metals as in elements. or like zinc. or something. from my knowledge, magnets, other metals (sometimes), gas, && liquid.

What is the name of the group of elements that can be hammered into thin sheets of metal?

The group of elements that can be hammered into thin sheets of metal is called malleable metals. These include metals like gold, silver, copper, and aluminum.

What elements are found by themselves in nature?

Native elements are those found by themselves, in pure form, uncombined with other elements into minerals. Of all the elements, only about thirty native elements are known, including metals like copper, gold, lead, and iron; semi-metals like antimony, arsenic, bismuth, and tellurium, and non-metals like diamond, sulfur, and selenium. --------- carbon

What is the periodic table mostly made up of what elements?

The periodic table is mostly made up of elements that are metals. These metals are found on the left and center of the periodic table, including elements like copper, iron, and aluminum. Metals often have characteristics like luster, conductivity, and malleability.

What types of elements make up most of the periodic table?


What are extremely reactive metals that combine with other elements called?

Highly reactive metals that easily combine with other elements are called alkali metals, like sodium and potassium. They react vigorously with water and oxygen.