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Existing theory states "The field exists because Earth has a giant ball of iron at its core surrounded by an outer layer of molten metal."

EVERYTHING heavier than, and including iron is at the core!

Iron 7.874

Gadolinium 7.895

Terbium 8.229

Dysprosium 8.55

Niobium 8.570

Cadmium 8.69

Holmium 8.795

Cobalt 8.86

Nickel 8.912

Copper 8.933

Erbium 9.066

Polonium 9.32

Ununhexium >9.32

Thulium 9.321

Bismuth 9.807

Ununpentium >9.807

Lutetium 9.84

Lawrencium >9.84

Actinium 10.07

Molybdenum 10.22

Silver 10.501

Lead 11.342

Technetium 11.50

Thorium 11.72

Thallium 11.85

Ununtrium >11.85

Palladium 12.020

Ruthenium 12.37

Rhodium 12.41

Livermorium 12.9 (predicted)

Hafnium 13.31

Einsteinium 13.5 (Estimate)

Curium 13.51

Mercury 13.5336

Ununbium >13.5336

Americium 13.69

Flerovium 14 (predicted)

Berkelium 14.79

Californium 15.10

Protactinium 15.37

Tantalum 16.654

Rutherfordium 18.1

Uranium 18.95

Tungsten 19.25

Gold 19.282

Roentgenium >19.282

Plutonium 19.84

Neptunium 20.25

Rhenium 21.02

Platinum 21.46

Darmstadtium >21.46

Osmium 22.610

Iridium 22.650

Seaborgium 35 (Estimate)

Meitnerium 35 (Estimate)

Bohrium 37 (Estimate)

Dubnium 39 (Estimate)

Hassium 41 (Estimate)

Fermium Unknown

Mendelevium Unknown

Nobelium Unknown

Copernicium (Element 112) unknown

Ununtrium (Element 113) unknown

Ununpentium (Element 115) unknown

Ununoctium (Element 118) Unknown

We don't know anything about how they interact! Are they in layers or lumps?

The radioactive elements in the CORE are what has kept this planet hot for the past 4.5 Billion years!

Moving continents are much of the "flips."

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8y ago
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4mo ago

The Earth's core is mainly composed of iron and nickel. The outer core is a liquid layer, while the inner core is solid due to high pressure despite its high temperature. These elements play a crucial role in generating the Earth's magnetic field.

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15y ago

Atoms. duh.

I do not agree with that. We will go into what are Earth is made of starting at the core of the planet. The core is mostly made up of iron and nickle although some lighter elements may be present too. Temperatures at the core at thought to be as high as 7500K (which is hotter then the surface of the sun). Beside the core is the lower mantle which consists of silicon, magnesium and oxygen, with some iron, calcium and aluminum. The upper mantel is mostly olivine, and pyroxene (iron /magnesium silicates/, calcium and aluminum. We know most of what lies inside the earth by seismic techniques. Now, taken as a whole, the Earth's chemical composition (by mass) is:
34.6% Iron; 295.%Oxygen; 15.2% Silicon; 12.7% Magnesium; 2.4% Nickel; 1.9% Sulphur; 0.05% Titanium.

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15y ago

The bulk of the Earth is composed of rock.

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Q: What elements is the earth's core made up of?
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Iron is the primary element that makes up most of the Earth's core. It accounts for about 85% of the core's composition, with the rest likely being nickel in combination with some lighter elements.

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scientists think that the earths core is made up of mostly iron, and contains smaller amounts of copper nickel.

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The Inner (solid) and Outter (liquid) Core are made up of Nickel and Iron.

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The inner core is predominately iron, with some nickel, and trace lighter elements, as far as we can deduce from current science.

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How many elements make up the earths crust? The earths crust is made of many layers..You can find clay and very good soil. But that is if you dig a little way down. the earth has a center which is called the core of the earth. Inside this core is lava and is incredibly hot. Like the sun but not as hot..

What two elements make up earths core?

The core of the earth contains many elements, not just two.However the two most abundant elements in the earth's core are nickle and iron (the final two elements that a star can make by fusion before it dies).But there are many other elements in the core, especially ones with atomic masses greater than that of nickel and iron. Many of these heavy elements are radioactive (e.g. radium, thorium, uranium) and it is the heat generated by the decay of these heavy radioactive elements that keeps the core hot and the outer core liquid.

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they are crust and the mantle and also the core

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because the heavier elements are pulled toward center of the earth by gravity

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The Earth's core is not made up of rocks. It is made up primarily of nickel and iron.

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The outer cores is made up of mostly iron and nickel in a liquid state.