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Common elements used in making metallic products include iron, aluminum, copper, and titanium. Examples of metallic products include steel beams, aluminum cans, copper wires, and titanium implants.

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Q: What elements are used in making metallic products and their examples?
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Do elements become more or less metalic as you go down a group?

Elements tend to become more metallic as you go down a group. This is because as you move down a group, the number of electron shells increases, resulting in weaker attraction between the nucleus and the outermost electrons, making it easier for the atoms to lose electrons and show metallic properties.

What is non-metallic ores?

Non-metallic ores are rocks and minerals without significant metal content. These ores are used for various industrial purposes like making building materials, fertilizers, and electronics. Examples include limestone, gypsum, and salt.

Why does the metallic character of the elements in a family increase as you move from top to bottom in ther periodic table?

The metallic character of elements in a family increases as you move from top to bottom in the periodic table because atomic size increases, and the outermost electrons are farther away from the nucleus. This leads to weaker attraction between the nucleus and outer electrons, making it easier for the outer electrons to be lost and exhibit metallic properties.

What types of rocks are most metallic minerals or metals associated with?

Metallic minerals or metals are commonly associated with igneous rocks, especially mafic and ultramafic rocks such as basalt, gabbro, and peridotite. These rocks have higher concentrations of iron, nickel, copper, and other metallic elements compared to other rock types, making them favorable environments for the formation of metallic mineral deposits.

Why do most metals exist in nature as minerals instead of as pure metallic elements?

Most metals exist in nature as minerals because they readily react with other elements to form compounds. These compounds are more stable and abundant, making them more common in the Earth's crust. Pure metallic elements are rare because they require specific conditions to form and are usually found in concentrated deposits.

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What term describes elements with properties that fall between those of metals and non metals?

Metalloids are elements that have properties that fall between those of metals and nonmetals. They have characteristics of both metallic and non-metallic elements, making them semi-conductors of electricity and heat. Examples of metalloids include silicon, germanium, and arsenic.

Do atoms of metallic elements tend to gain or lose electrons?

Atoms of metallic elements tend to lose electrons to form positively charged ions. This is because metallic elements have few electrons in their outer shells, making it easier for them to lose electrons and achieve a stable electron configuration.

What is metallic miner?

Metallic minerals are minerals that have a metallic luster, making them very shiny. A few metallic minerals are Graphite, Galena, Magnetite, and Pyrite. The mineral Hematite can be metallic or nonmetallic

What is a fact about semimetal?

Semimetals, also known as metalloids, have properties that are intermediate between metals and nonmetals. They typically have a combination of metallic and non-metallic properties, making them good conductors of electricity but poor conductors of heat. Examples of semimetals include silicon and arsenic.

Atoms of metallic element tend to?

Atoms of metallic elements tend to lose electrons to form positive ions. This is because metallic elements have fewer electrons in their outermost energy level, making it energetically favorable for them to lose electrons and achieve a stable electron configuration. This leads to the characteristic properties of metals, such as conductivity and malleability.

Why does the metallic character of the elements in a family increase as you move from top to bottom in ther periodic table?

The metallic character of elements in a family increases as you move from top to bottom in the periodic table because atomic size increases, and the outermost electrons are farther away from the nucleus. This leads to weaker attraction between the nucleus and outer electrons, making it easier for the outer electrons to be lost and exhibit metallic properties.

What is a word for making products?

Manufacturing is making products.

What is manual assembly?

Manual assembly is a process of making products by people who are using their own hands to connect all elements of products. People can use tools to do this, but in manual assembly no robots are used.

What are cerium and europium examples of?

Cerium and europium are examples of rare earth elements, a group of metals that are crucial for various technological applications such as electronics, magnets, and lighting. Europium is specifically known for its ability to emit red light, making it important for producing vivid colors in some types of lighting and displays.

Do metallic elements tend to form cations rather than anions?

Yes, metallic elements tend to form cations (positively charged ions) rather than anions (negatively charged ions) because they lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. This is because metals typically have few electrons in their outermost energy level, making it easier for them to lose electrons rather than gain them.

Boron and antimony might be good elements to use as?

semiconductors due to their unique electronic properties. Boron has a high thermal conductivity and is a p-type semiconductor, while antimony is a metalloid with both metallic and non-metallic properties, making it useful for electronic applications requiring precise control over electrical conductivity. Both elements offer potential in various semiconductor devices.

What are the most popular products from Shipwreck Beads?

Shipwreck Beads is an online jewellery-making company that specialises in beads. Some of the company's most popular products are Swarovski Elements and Czech Seed beads.