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The heating element in electric heaters and irons is made from an alloy of nickel and chronium called nichrome. It is usually made in the form of wire. The wire is often wound around a flat sheet of mica for support. Mica is a thin layered mineral that can withstand high temperatures.

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14y ago

Because Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity it would take too much copper wire to make a heating element having sufficient resistance to fit into the small space provided in any normally-sized electric heater.

For that reason heating elements must be made from metals which have a much higher electrical resistance than Copper. Special alloys of metals such as Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Zinc and Manganese have been invented for this purpose.

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15y ago

A heating element is a heating element, it doesn't need a further name. There are many brands of electrical goods which vary from country to country.

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12y ago

Inside a heater element is aluminium oxide for insulation and it surrounds a nickel resistance wire.

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Q: What elements are used in an electric heater filament?
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Which element are used as an electric heater filament?

Nichrome wire is commonly used for resistance wire for heater elements and it is a non-magnetic alloy of two elements nickel and chromium. It has high resistance and resists oxidation. The electrical resistivity is about 65 times that of copper.

What is a filament that glows white hot in electric light bulbs?

Tungsten is the filament used in electric light bulbs that glows white hot when subjected to an electric current.

What would cause the hot water to run out quicker than it used to?

If it is a electric water heater, then one of the heating elements are burned out.

What are the features of an efficient electric heater?

The main feature of an efficient electric heater is, that is used up to 30% less engery than a conventional electric heater. This reduces the cost of the heater.

What might an electric room heater be used for?

An electric room heater may be used to heat a room when it is cold, they are commonly used in the winter. An electric room heater may also be used to discharge the heat outside and keep the house cool.

What wire is used for an immersion heater?

An immersion electric heater usually uses nichrome wire as the heating element. Nichrome is highly resistive, and by applying a voltage, we can get it pretty hot. Nichrome is used as the heating element in toasters and on electric range elements as well as lots of other places.

Which element is used to make the filament of electric bulbs?

They're made of Tungsten.

Which elements are used to make a filament?

The most common element used in making filaments is Tungsten.

Why is argon used to prevent the evaporation of tungsten in electric light bulbs?

Argon is used in light bulbs because it is an inert gas that does not react with other elements. This prevents the tungsten filament from reacting with oxygen in the air, which helps to prolong the life of the filament. Additionally, argon helps to maintain a stable environment inside the bulb, allowing the filament to operate at higher temperatures without burning out.

What is the filament of the electric bulb made up of?

The filament of an electric bulb is typically made of tungsten. Tungsten is used because it has a very high melting point, allowing it to produce light without burning out quickly.

Why are only inert gases like Argon used in an electric light bulb?

If the lighter bulb had oxygen in it , the hot glowing filament would react with the oxygen, thereby destroying the filament. If the filament is destroyed, then there is no light. So an inert gas is used, because it will not react with the heated glowing filament. Hence the filament stays alight.

What element is used for a filament for light bulbs?

Tungsten is typically used as the filament in incandescent light bulbs because of its high melting point and ability to emit light efficiently when heated by an electric current.