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Transition elements are present in group 3-4. These elements have different properties.

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Q: What elements are in groups 3-4 of the periodic table?
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What is the 34th element on the periodic table?

The 34th element on the periodic table is selenium (Se), which has an atomic number of 34. It is a nonmetal that is commonly used in the production of electronic devices, glass, and pigments.

How many protons does Se-75 have?

Look it up on the periodic table. It's #34, signifying that it has 34 protons.

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Se on the periodic table stands for selenium. Selenium is a nonmetal element with atomic number 34. It is commonly used in the electronics industry and is essential for human health in small amounts.

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Selenium has 34 protons. This can be determined by looking at its atomic number on the periodic table which is 34. Therefore, the number of protons in -80 selenium is 34.

Where is selenium located in the periodic table?

Selenium is located in Group 16, Period 4 of the periodic table. It is a nonmetal element with the symbol Se and atomic number 34.

Is selenium a mixture?

No, selenium is a chemical element found on the periodic table with the atomic number 34 and symbol Se. It is a non-metal element that can exist in various forms, such as pure elemental selenium or in compounds with other elements.

Which element has 30 protons?

30 protons means element 30 from the periodic table, which is Zinc. Although it usually doesn't have 30 neutrons, and I doubt that would be a stable isotope. Stable zinc isotopes have 34 and 36 neutrons.

In what group is selenium in the periodic table?

Selenium is in Group 16 of the periodic table, which is also known as the oxygen group or chalcogens. It is a nonmetal element with atomic number 34.

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Element X would likely be found in Group 14 of the periodic table, also known as the Carbon group. Elements in this group typically have 4 valence electrons and include elements like carbon, silicon, and germanium.

What element has a greater number of protons potassium or selenium?

Selenium has 34 protons and potassium has 19. The proton number corresponds to the position of the element in the periodic table.

Which elements are solids at room temperature on the periodic table?

Some common elements that are solids at room temperature include carbon, sulfur, phosphorus, and iron.

What is oxygen family number and name?

The oxygen family is a group of elements located in Group 16 (also known as Group VI A) of the periodic table. The elements in the oxygen family share similar chemical properties and characteristics. The elements in the oxygen family are: Oxygen (O) - Atomic number 8 Sulfur (S) - Atomic number 16 Selenium (Se) - Atomic number 34 Tellurium (Te) - Atomic number 52 Polonium (Po) - Atomic number 84 These elements have six valence electrons in their outermost energy level and often form -2 ions by gaining two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration.