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Q: What element means needs oil cant move?
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What element needs oil but cant move?


what element needs oil and cant move?


What element needs oil Can't move?


Is there a way to force items to move into a specific folder when they don't want to?

no there is not . If it tells you cant move the files , it means you can't move the files , simple as that

What needs oil but cant move?

Everything can move... If you mean something that doesn't require the oil to create kinetic energy, then maybe food (cooking oil) or brakes?

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did you mean immobile? because immobile means that somthing or someone cannot move or the inability to move, motionless, cant be moved, cannot move etc...

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The game of chess uses those terms. Chess does checkmate means your in check and you cant get out and stalemate means you have no where you can move

What does it mean when a guy says not really when you ask them if they like you?

I think it either means they do but cant admit it or they just dont, if so then move on!

Ex don't want you but don't want you to move on?

normally that means that your ex still has feeling for you hurt her so she cant go out with you.

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you cant move concordes nose but you can turn the entire plane etc. but concordes nose cant move

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We cant move mountains. Mountains move themselves

What happend to The Undertaker on Memorial Day weekend?

He had a vegetative state which means he cant move, he can only move his eyes, its kind of like a coma, look it up on wikipedia, it explains ell of what it is