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The alkali metal in period 2 is lithium (Li).

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Q: What element is the alkali metal in period 2?
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What period of the periodic table is lithium in?

Lithium is in the first period of the periodic table. It is the first element in the alkali metal group.

Does CaCl2 contain an alkali metal and a halogen?

Calcium chloride contains an alkali earth metal (calcium, a group 2 element) and a halogen (chlorine). There is no alkali metal. Alkali metals are group 1 elements.

What is group 2 of the period table calle?

alkali earth metal

Is magnesium metal a compound or a element?

An element in group 2 of the Periodic Table; the alkali earth metals.

What period is the element neon in?

The element neon is in period 2. Classified as a non-metal. :)

What element is a metal with 2 valence electron?

All alkali earth metals have 2 valence electrons.

What family of elements will form ionic bonds with alkali metals in a 2-1 ratio alkali metal to other element?

If the Alkali Metal is the 2, then the Oxygen Family makes the 1 in the ratio. I also believe this forms and ionic bond.

Is cesium an alkaline earth metal?

No. Cesium is an alkali metal or group 1 element. Alkaline earth metals are group 2 elements.

What two families does the element of calcium come from?

The element calcium comes from the alkali earth metal family and the alkaline earth metals group on the periodic table.

Is Radium a metal nonmetal or a metalloid?

Radium is a metal. It is an alkaline earth metal that is highly radioactive and is typically found in trace amounts in uranium ores.

What is the chemical form of Mg?

It is a metal element, Mg has atom number 12 in the periodic table, period III and group 2 (earth-alkali elements), 2 valence electrons, oxydation number +2 (Mg2+ ions). (I can't find more 'chemical' information about this element.)

Is lithium in the halogen family?

No, lithium is not in the halogen family. It is a member of the alkali metal group on the periodic table. Lithium is located in group 1 and period 2.