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Element b would have a larger atomic radius than element c as you move down a group on the Periodic Table, the atomic radius tends to increase. This is because each successive element has an additional electron shell, leading to an increase in size.

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Q: What element has the larger atomic radius b or c?
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For the representative elements (main group elements), atomic radius generally decreases from left to right across a period. Example: B and Fl: Fl has the smaller atomic radius Li and Be: Be has the smaller atomic radius

Does Al have a larger atomic radius than B?

Yes, because Al is located below B in the periodic table, it has one more electron shell and thus a larger atomic radius. The atomic radius generally increases as you move down a group in the periodic table.

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Boron has the largest empirical atomic radius: 85 pm.

On the periodic table, the element in the lower left corner would have the lowestA. Atomic MassB.Atomic NumberC.Atomic RadiusD. Ionization energy?

A. Atomic Mass B. Atomic Number C. Atomic Radius D. Ionization energy

Which element has a greater atomic mass A or B?

Element A has a greater atomic mass than element B if the atomic mass value of A is higher. The atomic mass represents the average mass of an element’s isotopes based on their abundance in nature.

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Aluminum (Al) has a larger ionic radius than Boron (B) since Al is located in a lower period of the periodic table, meaning it has more electron shells and therefore a larger atomic size.

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In ionic compounds, the cation typically has an ionic radius smaller than its atomic radius due to the loss of electrons, while the anion has an ionic radius larger than its atomic radius due to the gain of electrons. Therefore, in an ionic compound, the sum of the ionic radii of the cation and anion will generally equal the sum of the atomic radii of the two atoms.

What elements has the longest covalent radius of Li B N F?

The element with the longest covalent radius among Li, B, N, and F is Li. This is because as you move down a group in the periodic table, the atomic radius increases due to the addition of new electron shells. The covalent radius generally follows this trend.

What is the atomic number for B?

Boron is a non meta element. Atomic number of it is 5.

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What is the fifth element on the periodic table of elements?

The fifth element on the periodic table of elements is boron. It has an atomic number of 5 and is a metalloid with various industrial applications.

Each element has its own characteristic atom in which a. the atomic weight is constant b. the atomic number is constant c. the mass number is constant?

b. the atomic number is constant. The atomic number, denoted by the symbol Z, is unique to each element and represents the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom. It determines the chemical properties of an element and remains constant for all atoms of that element.