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Q: What element did Dmitri Mendeleev stand for?
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What element does Dmitri Mendeleev stand for?


What is the name of the element dedicated to Dmitri mendeleev work?


Who was the scientist who created the periodic table of the element?

Dmitri Mendeleev

What element of the periodic table is dedicated to Dmitri Mendeleev?

Mendelevium :)

Who was element 101 named after?

Element 101, mendelevium, was named after Dmitri Mendeleev, the Russian chemist who is credited with creating the periodic table of elements. Mendeleev's work laid the foundation for organizing and understanding the properties of elements.

What is Doctor Mendeleev's full name?

Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev

What nationality was Dmitri Mendeleev?

Dmitri Mendeleev was Russian.

Who arranged the periodic table of the element by mass?

Dmitri Mendeleev and Lothar Meyer

What element does the symbol Md stand for?

The symbol Md stands for the element Mendelevium, which is a synthetic element and part of the actinide series. It is named after Dmitri Mendeleev, the Russian chemist who is known for creating the periodic table.

What two very special things are named after Dmitri mendeleev?

The periodic table of elements is named after Dmitri Mendeleev for his foundational work in organizing the elements. Additionally, an element, atomic number 101, is named mendelevium in his honor.

How did Dmitri Mendeleev be a chemist?

Dmitri Mendeleev is a graduate of the Pedagocical Institute from Petersburg, in 1850.

What did Dmitri Mendeleev discover in1869?

Dmitri Mendeleev published his periodic table in 1869.