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Electrons in the outermost shell (valence electrons) of an atom are the ones that are most likely to be scattered in the most empty space around the nucleus. This is because these electrons have higher energy levels and are further away from the nucleus, making them more loosely bound and more easily scattered.

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Q: What electrons are scattered in the most empty space around?
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Who saw the atom as mostly empty space with electrons orbiting around the nucleus?


True or false Most of an atom is empty space?

True. The protons and neutrons together are dense and comprise most of the mass of the atom. The electrons "circle" around in a "cloud" so there is empty space in between the electrons.

How bohr atomic theory differ for ratherfood atomic theory?

Rutherford said there was a heav, positively charged nucleus with lots of empty space around it in which there were electrons. Bohr went farther and said the electrons were in exact orbits around the nucleus. The electrons could not be just anywhere in that empty space, but only in those exact orbits (orbitals).

Is almost all the volume of an atom empty space?

Yes, the majority of an atom's volume is indeed empty space. At the center of the atom is a dense nucleus containing protons and neutrons, while electrons orbit around the nucleus in distinct energy levels. The space between the nucleus and the electrons is where most of the atom's volume is found.

What does the space surrounding the nucleus of an atom contain?

The space surrounding the nucleus of an atom contains electrons, which are negatively charged particles. These electrons occupy various energy levels or orbitals around the nucleus.

Who discovered that electrons move in empty space in an atom?

It was Ernest Rutherford who discovered that atoms are mostly composed of empty space with electrons orbiting a very dense nucleus.

What is mostly between electrons?

In an atom, the space between electrons and the nucleus is mostly filled with empty space. The nucleus contains positively charged protons and neutral neutrons, and the electrons surround the nucleus in different energy levels or electron shells.

What is found in between electrons and the protons?

The space is empty, total vacuum.

Is the head of a polititian really made up 99.99999999 percent of empty space?

While the statement that the head of a politician is primarily made up of empty space is a simplification for comedic or rhetorical effect, it is based on the fact that atoms are mostly empty space due to the distribution of electrons around the nucleus. However, to say that a politician's head is 99.99999999% empty space is an extreme exaggeration and not scientifically accurate.

What moves around empty space is it radiation or convection or conduction?

Empty space implies radiation.

What is the majority of an atom mafe of?

The central nucleus and the almost empty space around it containing electrons

Do atomic nuclei have mostly empty spaces?

Yes, an atom is mostly empty space. That said, the space is also "occupied" space because the electrons swirl around the atom's nucleus in orbit. So although the space is not always in use, it is in use quite frequently.