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The effects of the mountain glaciers on Canada included beautiful formation of distinctive features such as cirques, icebergs, and deep gorges.
The main types of glaciers are valley glaciers, ice caps, ice sheets, piedmont glaciers, outlet glaciers, and cirque glaciers. Valley glaciers form in mountain valleys, ice caps cover smaller areas, ice sheets are massive continental glaciers, piedmont glaciers form at the base of mountains, outlet glaciers are the streams of ice flowing out of ice caps or ice sheets, and cirque glaciers are located in bowl-shaped depressions on mountainsides.
glaciers are very big
its not mountain glaciers but its valley glaciers
Pros:· Glaciers provide drinking water· Glacier water provides plants water· Glaciers help generate hydroelectric powerCons:· Glaciers cause flooding· Glaciers cause avalanches
The effects of the mountain glaciers on Canada included beautiful formation of distinctive features such as cirques, icebergs, and deep gorges.
Canida an the north
Hudson Bay.
The correct spelling is "canida." It refers to a biological family of mammals that includes wolves, dogs, and other similar animals.
he started in canida
what is the answer
straford canida Ontario
I really don't know but it may have made new mountains.
Go to canida and get divorced