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I would render him sterile.

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1w ago

Surgical removal of the seminal vesicles can lead to a decrease in semen volume and fertility because the seminal vesicles produce a significant portion of the fluid in semen. However, it may not affect the ability to have erections or ejaculation. Hormonal changes or treatments may be needed to manage related symptoms.

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Q: What effect would surgical removal of the seminal vesicles have on the human male reproductive system?
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What does the seminal vesicles do in a earth worm?

Seminal receptacles is the beginning of the reproductive system in the earthworm. Seminal vesicles is where the sperm are produced.

The seminal vesicles are in what organ system?

The seminal vesicles are accessory organs within the intact male reproductive tract.

What happens with the removal of the seminal vesicles?

The sperm are unable to exit the testicles with the removal of the seminal vesicles. Men who have this procedure done under go a vasectomy.

What is the medical term meaning surgical fixation of the seminal vesicles?


What is the difference between seminal receptacles and seminal in earthworms?

Seminal receptacles is the beginning of the reproductive system in the earthworm. Seminal vesicles is where the sperm are produced.

Do girls have a seminal vesicle?

No, girls to do not have a seminal vesicle. The seminal vesicle is a male reproductive organ that produces seminal fluid to support sperm function. Girls have different reproductive structures, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.

What do seminal vesicles produce'?

The seminal vesicles are small glands under the prostate on the male reproductive tract. They product a yellowish mucous-y fluid that is added to sperm from the testes to become semen.

What provides fructose for sperm?

Fructose for sperm is provided by the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland. These glands secrete a fluid that contains fructose, which serves as an energy source for sperm.

How might the male reproductive system be affected if the seminal vesicles did not function?

you wouldnt be able to cream

How might the male reproductive system be affected if the seminal vesicles did not functioned?

you wouldnt be able to cream

What reproductive structure secretes a substance to nourish sperm cells?

The seminal vesicles secrete a fluid rich in fructose and other nutrients to nourish sperm cells. This fluid is released during ejaculation and helps provide energy for the sperm to travel and fertilize the egg.

What do a frog's seminal vesicles do?

A frog's seminal vesicles produce and store seminal fluid, which is a component of sperm. During mating, this fluid mixes with sperm to create a mucus-like substance that helps sperm swim and survive in the female reproductive tract.