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- Therefore, you have the potential to be a smarter person when your brain is in its earlier stages.

- You never lose the ability to learn new things it just increases at a slower rate, of course a healthy brain through the majority of your life would gather up more information as well as persist longer your older negro.

- Brain cell start to perish more drastically when you're about 20-25 years old, that's maybe why we start school at such a young age? hehehe i farted

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Q: What effect does age have on various physical skills?
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As you age, your sense of smell can become weaker, making it harder to detect and distinguish between different odors. This decrease in sensitivity is due to changes in the olfactory system and a reduction in the number of olfactory receptors in the nose. Older adults may also experience a decline in their ability to identify and remember smells accurately.

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Cerebral palsy is a syndrome that affects motor skills because of damage to the cerebrum part of the brain. It causes physical disability and limits movement in various parts of the body. It can occur during pregnancy, childbirth or after birth up to age 3.

How does age can affect in relearning speech and mobility?

As we age, cognitive and physical abilities may decline, which can make relearning speech and mobility more challenging. Older adults may require more time, practice, and patience to regain these skills compared to younger individuals. However, with appropriate therapy and support, improvements in speech and mobility are still possible at any age.

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Body weight for girls (children or teenagers) is related to height and body composition. Therefore, there will be no 'average' weight in relation to age but there will be a healthy weight in relation to height and body composition. For in-depth information about weight in relation to height, and to see the distribution of weights and heights of children at various ages, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

What comes after middle age for humans?

After middle age, humans enter into the stage of older adulthood or senescence. This stage typically begins around the age of 65 and continues until the end of life. It is characterized by physical, cognitive, and social changes associated with aging, including a gradual decline in various physical abilities and increased risk for age-related diseases.

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What questions does the peabody development motor scale ask?

The Peabody Motor Development Scale is an assessment of the motor skills of children from birth to five years of age, which compares a child's physical proficiency with those exhibited by children of the same age group. This can be an indication of problems with physical development or coordination.

What is fundamental movement skill development?

Fundamental movement skill development refers to the process of acquiring and mastering basic movement patterns such as running, jumping, throwing, and catching. These skills are essential for participating in physical activities and sports, and provide a foundation for more complex movement abilities later on. Developing these skills at a young age is important for promoting overall physical literacy and a lifelong involvement in physical activity.

Is difference in age mental or physical barrier?


How does a womans age effect their eggs?

No but the age of the hen does?

How does age effect your sport?

While you gain a lot of experience in your sport with age, but your physical stamina will tend to be lower than most young men if you are an outdoor sports person. Although in games, such as, chess or other board games, age does not affect the person's ability much.

What is physical age and chronological age?

Chronological age is a person's actual age based on the calendar, while physical age refers to the biological age of a person, which is determined by factors such as overall health, fitness level, and lifestyle habits. Physical age may be younger or older than chronological age depending on how well a person has cared for their body.