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landslides effect the land by severely altering it causing large boulders to come running down due to water erosion.

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1w ago

Landslides can alter landforms by changing the shape, height, and stability of slopes. They can create new landforms such as scarps, slump features, and debris flows. Over time, repeated landslides can contribute to the formation of new landforms and change the overall landscape of an area.

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Q: What effect do landslides have on land forms?
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Landslides can be an effect of soil erosion. When soil is eroded, it can weaken the stability of the land, making it more susceptible to landslides, especially during periods of heavy rainfall or seismic activity. Erosion removes vegetation that helps hold soil in place, increasing the likelihood of landslides occurring.

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What can effect landslides?

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A mass movement of land due to gravity is called a landslide. It occurs when materials like rocks, debris, and soil move downslope under the force of gravity, often triggered by factors like heavy rain, earthquakes, or human activities.

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