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There is the dessert and the rainforest. There might be the arctic but i can't be sure

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Q: What ecosystem occur at 30 degree north and 30 degree south?
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No point can have both north and south latitude.

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How is 90 north degree different from 90 degree south?

the latitude of the north pole is 90 degrees N,and the latitude of the south pole is 90 degrees S and because each parallel measures one degree north or south of the equator.

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There is no location that is both 1 degree north and 101 degrees south simultaneously. One would be in the Northern Hemisphere (1 degree north) and the other in the Southern Hemisphere (101 degrees south), which are opposite sides of the equator.

South America Latitude and Longitude?

South america extends from about 13 degree N latitude in the north 55 degree S latitude in the south 35 degree W longitude in the east to 81 degree W in the west

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The 90 degree north latitude is the geographic North Pole, where all lines of longitude meet, while the 90 degree south latitude is the geographic South Pole. The North Pole is located in the Arctic region, covered by ice and surrounded by ocean, while the South Pole is located on a continent, Antarctica, with a thick ice sheet covering the land.

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There is no country on earth that includes territory at 15 degrees north and at 15 degrees south.

Degree of North Pole to south pole?

There are 180°s from the North Pole to the South Pole.

What place is 0 degree's south and 15 degree's north?

New Zealand


It is from 12 degree North to 22 degree South

What country is located at 45 degree north and 100 degree south?

Not possible.

What country lies at 60 degree north 75 degree south?

No point on earth can have both a north and a south latitude, (except points on the equator, where latitude is zero).