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a giraffe ecosystem is a bunch of giraffes living in one place with elephants and lions and lots of grass an trees with lots of other animals.

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15y ago

Giraffes can be found on the African plains and savvanahs.

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12y ago

groups of animals (all different types of animals) and leaves ( the food they eat)

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Q: What is a giraffes ecosystem?
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What is giraffes ecosystem?

a giraffe ecosystem is a bunch of giraffes living in one place with elephants and lions and lots of grass an trees with lots of other animals.

Are giraffes a harm to the earth?

No, giraffes do not harm the Earth. No species in its proper ecosystem is harmful to the Earth as a whole. Rather, every species in its natural ecosystem helps to support the ecosystem. The only exception to that rule is humans.

Where does a giraffe live in its ecosystem?

A giraffe fit's in to the ecosystem but all the plant e.g. trees, plants and many others. That is why the giraffe has a very long neck to get it food off the tree so the zoo kkepper doesn't have to keepgoing back when the giraffe is hungry

With what animal does the lion share its habitat?

The lion shares its habitat with various animals such as zebras, giraffes, wildebeests, and elephants in the African savanna. They coexist in the same ecosystem, with each species playing a unique role in the food chain and ecosystem dynamics.

What animals live in a rhino's ecosystem?

a black rhino bird it lives on its back

Which ecosystem is known as the land of big games?

The African savanna ecosystem is often referred to as the "land of big games" due to its abundant wildlife, including large mammals such as elephants, lions, giraffes, and zebras. This ecosystem is known for its open grasslands and scattered trees, providing ideal habitats for these iconic animals.

Do giraffes have knees?

Yes, giraffes do have knees.

Do giraffes eat other giraffes?

no never eat other Giraffes.

What eats the trees in the savanna?

A savanna is a grassland ecosystem in which the trees do not grow close enough to create a closed canopy. The Serengeti is a savanna in Africa; giraffes eat the leaves off of the trees in the Serengeti.

Are giraffes carnivores?

No. Giraffes are herbivores.

Do giraffes get harmed?

Giraffes can get harmed

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