I dont know if it was a dwarf siren because it was rather large ,but the owner of the light house landing resort and marina in grand rivers,Kentucky photographed a grey herin ingulf a siren that looks to me to be at least 4ft long,could u imagine being witness? swallowed it hole...sweet
A white dwarf could not become a red dwarf. A white dwarf is a remnant of a dead star. A red dwarf is a star with a very low mass.
Pluto the dwarf planet is an example of of a dwarf planet.
In Just Cause 2, you can turn on the fire truck sirens by pressing the "H" key on the keyboard while driving the vehicle. This will activate the sirens and lights to signal an emergency situation.
The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.The dwarf planet Pluto.
In Greek mythology, the Sirens are dangerous creatures, part bird and part woman, who lure sailors to their deaths with their enchanting voices and music. They are often depicted as beautiful but deadly, living on rocky islands surrounded by treacherous waters. Odysseus encountered the Sirens on his journey home in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey."
they eat cheese and there bum
Dwarf sirens eat a variety of food items, including small worms. The have very small mouths but will eat any invertebrate they can swallow. Captive sirens will eat whiteworms, blackworms, and tubifex worms.
The sirens are half woman and do not eat anyone.
Sirens are mythical creatures and do not exist.
African Dwarf frogs eat their skin to get the protein they need
No,Most dwarf hamsters eat cereal,fruits,veggies and water.
The Lemmings eat the Dwarf Willow flower
No, only drowned them by their song.
the sirens couldn't eat him.
Dwarf hamsters can eat seeds one week after they are able to eat solid foods. This is when they are about 4 weeks old.
It is not written what they ate, only what they did (sing sailors to their death), and where they were.
no they do not they eat frozen blood worms i have the african dwarf frogs with my glofish and they do not bother eachother