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There are three domains of life all together. They are bacteria, archaea, and eukaryota. Bacteria and archaea are both for unicellular organisms.

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5d ago

The domain Eukarya consists mainly of organisms made up of many cells. Eukaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus and other organelles. Examples of organisms in this domain include plants, animals, fungi, and protists.

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Q: What domain consists mainly of organisms made up of many cells?
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What domain does chlamysomonas belong too?

Chlamysomonas belongs to the domain Eukarya, which consists of organisms with cells containing a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

Which domains contain organisms that are made of prokaryotic cells?

The domain that consists of prokaryotic cells are bacteria and archaea.

What domain consists of organisms without a nucleus in their cells?

The domain consisting of organisms without a nucleus in their cells is called Archaea. Archaea are single-celled microorganisms that are distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes due to their unique cellular characteristics and genetic makeup. They are known for thriving in extreme environments.

What domain includes both plants and animals?

The domain Eukarya includes both plants and animals. Eukarya is one of the three domains of life, alongside Bacteria and Archaea, and consists of organisms with eukaryotic cells that have a membrane-bound nucleus. This domain encompasses a wide diversity of organisms, including plants, animals, fungi, and protists.

What is the Domain of the Okapi?

The domain of a Okapi is Eukarya. Domain Eukarya consists organisms that have cells that contain nuclei. This domain consists of 4 kingdoms: Protista- not classified as fungi, plants, or animal Fungi- Mushrooms, mold, mildew, and yeast are examples of Fungi. Plantea- basically just plants Animalia- This is animals, this includes the okapi, zebras, fishes, frogs, and etc

What cells that belongs to the domain eukarya?

Cells belonging to the domain Eukarya include animal cells, plant cells, fungi cells, and protist cells. These cells are characterized by having a membrane-bound nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

During a dive to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean biologists discover a new organism The organism grows in colonies and is made up of cells that have nuclei and organelles In which domain would you?

The new organism would belong to the domain Eukarya, which consists of organisms with cells that have nuclei and organelles.

What domain do humans fit in?

Taxonomy is the branch of biology that's job is to name and classify species. On the broadest spectrum of classification of all living things, you have three overarching groups called Domains: Bacteria Domain, Archaea Domain, and Eukaraya Domain. Bacteria and Archaea Domains consist of prokaryotes, that is organisms with prokaryotic cells. Eukaraya Domain consists of eukaryotes, that is organisms with eukaryotic cells. Humans have eukaryotic cells and are therefore in the Eukarya Domain.

Which domain includes only organisms with a nucleus in their cells?

Eukarya domain includes organisms with a nucleus in their cells. This domain encompasses a wide range of organisms such as plants, animals, fungi, and protists.

What is the domain of all organisms whose cells have nuclei?


What is the eukaryote domain?

Eukaryotes compose the domain Eukaryota.

What do we call an organism that consists of many cells?

Organisms composed of many cells are called multicellular organisms.