

What doesn't help pollination?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: What doesn't help pollination?
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What petals do?

help in attracting the insects for pollination

What are some agents that help in pollination?

Some agents that help in pollination include bees, butterflies, birds, bats, and wind. These agents play a crucial role in transferring pollen between flowers, which is essential for the reproduction of many plant species.

How do flowers help meet their needs?

The flowers help plants in attracting pollinators for cross pollination. Cross pollination creates genetic diversity for better adaptability.

What animals help in agent pollination?

The type of agents that help in preforming pollination are birds, and type of insects, wind, water (such as rain), and any type of weather.

Why is pollination important to fertilization?

bacause it can help more

What flower mechanism would not help prevent pollination by a foreign species?

Color change in response to temperature would not help prevent pollination by a foreign species, as color is typically not a barrier to pollination. Other mechanisms such as physical barriers, timing of flowering, or chemical signals are more effective at preventing pollination by foreign species.

Which is correct. she dont need your help or she doesnt need your help?

She doesnt need your help

How has the bee helped in the reproduction of the flowering plant?

they help in pollination

What is the function of the pollinate?

Pollination is to help to release oxygen into the world.

How do insects help with pollination?

they carry pollen from flower to flower.

Can someone help me use pollination self-pollination and cross-pollination in the same sentence?

Sure! "Bees facilitate cross-pollination by transferring pollen from one flower to another, promoting genetic diversity, while some plants rely on self-pollination to reproduce successfully."