The original Japanese term is literally translated as "harbor wave." It was said that this became the name because they thought the tsunami originated in the harbor. They assumed this since a tsunami can not be seen until it enters the harbor. They rise up as they near the shore and start to grow in height above the normal level of the water surface as the sea floor becomes more shallow below the wave. The word is formed from the words tsu (Tsu/harbor/port) and nami (wave).
The Japanese characters representing tsunami are 津 (Tsu) and 波 (wave), so the word in Japanese for tsunami is: 津波
(see the related question below for information about what a tsunami is)
Harbour wave
Tsunami means harbor wave.
Really the word Tsunami is from japan. Its English meaning is "seismic sea waves".
It is estimated that around 150 British citizens died in the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.
i really dont know what you mean
A tsunami is also known as a 'tidal wave', which used to be the more common term. These days, 'tsunami' seems to be the more commonly used name, at least in the Pacific rim countries where English or Japanese is spoken.
tidal wave
Really the word Tsunami is from japan. Its English meaning is "seismic sea waves".
津波 becomes tsunami in English because it is now a word used internationally. Same pronunciation, same meaning.
well it depends on what tsunami you mean, there is more than one...
You can't really predict a tsunami, but If you hear about any underwater earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, that can sometimes mean there will be a tsunami.
the tsunami KILLED people, not had them live in it I dont mean to be mean but you should come up with a better answer then that
Intresting facts about tsunami is that. 1.tsunami mean harbor waves. 2.tsunami can go 1000km/hr 3.tsunami can be up to 15 to 30 feet high 4.tsunami can be started by a earthquake,meteor or when a volcano erupted.
'tsu' - 津 (harbor) 'nami' - 波 (wave) Therefore, 'tsunami' is '津波' in Japanese. or 高波 (mountainous wave) Answer: In English it is tidal wave. In Japanese (because the wave is most noted in harbors) tsunami ___________________________________________________________ In English it is incorrectly referred to as "Tidal Wave". A tsunami (Harbor Wave), is Japanese, and is caused by seismic events while a Tidal Wave is cause by forces driving the tides.
It is estimated that around 150 British citizens died in the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.
"Rap" stays English in Japanese, just as "tsunami" remains Japanese in the English language.
If you mean Tsunami, well the whole reason a tsunami happens is because of a earthquake , the tsunami reacts and gives out a earthquake in the sea, so the tsunami pushes the waves on land causing the area to be flouded
No, Only earthquakes which cause changes to sea floor topography result in tsunami.