The word thoroughly means completely, totally, absolutely.
miscimble or something like that!
8.79 grams of magnesium sulfate will remain.
Oil or Water
Shaking the tube thoroughly before inoculation can help distribute the medium evenly and break up any clumps or inconsistencies. This can promote uniform growth of the culture and enhance the effectiveness of inoculation.
As long as it is thoroughly mixed with water, it would be a solution, which is a homogeneous mixture.
You just used thoroughly in a sentence, posed as a question. I don't know how to put thoroughly in a sentence. You need to clean that thoroughly. I was thoroughly incensed.
Thoroughly is an adverb.
We can use thoroughly in a sentence like this:1- He learns for the exams thoroughly.
what word is silent in thoroughly
Some people thoroughly enjoy writing sentances.
The word thoroughly means completely, totally, absolutely.
She thoroughly cleaned the entire house before the guests arrived.
No, thoroughly is an adverb. It modifies verbs or adjectives.For example, "thoroughly wash your hands" uses thoroughlyto modify the verb wash. And "it was thoroughly enjoyable" uses thoroughly to modify the adjective enjoyable.Many adverbs have an -ly ending, so that is one clue that a word might be an adverb.
He ran for a full hour and was thoroughly exhausted.
Yes, the word thoroughly is indeed an adverb.An example sentence for this word is: "she thoroughly cleaned up the blood splatters and hid the body".
The word 'thoroughly' means to do something completely. Say you cleaned your house from top to toe, really well, then you have cleaned it thoroughly.
That is the correct spelling of thoroughly (completely, or meticulously).