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8mo ago

Phenomenal means remarkable or outstanding. It describes something that is extraordinary or exceptional.

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Q: What does the word phenomenal mean?
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A word start with pH means exraordinary outstanding remarkable?

Another word for remarkable is phenomenal.

What does phenomenal mean?

phenomenal - impressive, amazing

Where is the word phenomenal found in the Bible?

There is no reference to the English word phenomenal, in the KJV bible.

Is the word phenomenal a verb?

Phenomenal is not a verb. Someone or something cannot phenomenal (do anything).It is an adjective, used to describe a noun, such as phenomenal success.

What is a sentence including the word phenomenal?

The view of the Himalayas from Darjeeling is phenomenal.

Can you give me a sentence using the word phenomenal?

the Musical performance last night was absolutely phenomenal.

What is another word to describe phenomenal?

The word phenomenal is an adjective. It means very remarkable or amazing.

Phaonmneal correct word?


Is phenomenal a noun?

No, "phenomenal" is an adjective, not a noun. It is used to describe something extraordinary or exceptional.

What does fenomenal mean?

It means boring

How can you use the word phenomenal in a sentence?

the way she expressed her feelings through her poetry was phenomenal. btw it's *sentence not 'sentance'

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