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Q: What does the word maintain mean?
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What does the Spanish word 'mantener' mean?

To maintain.

What does the word mintain mean?

The word maintain can mean to cause or enable to continue and also refers to providing a living thing with the necessities to exist or live.

What is a sentence using the word maintain?

I had to maintain a good weight.

What does the word polident mean?

Polident is a brand of denture cleanser products that are used to clean and maintain dentures.

What part of speech is maintain?

The word maintain is a verb. The past tense is maintained.

What is the base word for maintenance?

The base word for maintenance is "maintain."

What is the synonym for the word maintain?


A sentence with the word maintain?

Every dog owner has to maintain his/her dog by cleaning up after it.

What is the Latin word for maintain?

manu tenēre

What is an antonym for the word maintain?

Destroy, dissasemble

Who is prophet hanif?

I believe that the word Hanif is a term that refers to those who maintain the pure beliefs of the patriarch Ibrahim, and is not a person. However it does not mean that there is no one with that name.

What is a good sentence for the word maintain-?

The role of the police in all nations across the world is to maintain law and order.