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It means that members of each species compete regularly to obtain food, living space, and other necessities of life.

(Found this information in my Biology Textbook pg.380)
This phrase means that life is hard. Life is not going well. You are struggling to survive.

Ex: no money, no house, or no food

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Frederik Thompson

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3y ago
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9y ago

Organisms produce more offspring than - given the limited amounts of resources - can ever survive, and organisms therefore compete for survival. The Atlantic cod for instance lays around five million eggs a year while Darwin calculated that even the low reproducing elephant (opposite) produces more young than will ever live to maturity. Only the successful competitors will reproduce themselves.

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14y ago

it is what the organism goes through in order to survive in the choosen environment.

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15y ago

members of each species compete regularly to obtain food, living space and other necessities

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12y ago

It means that members of each species compete regularly to obtain food, living space, and other necessities of life.

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Q: What does the struggle for existence mean?
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In Darwin view what condition lead to a struggle for existence among individuals in a population?

Overpopulation leads to the struggle for existence because the species are unable to be supported by the insufficient resources that are available to them.

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Overpopulation leads to the struggle for existence because the species are unable to be supported by the insufficient resources that are available to them.

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What does to be or not to be actually mean?

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