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The soft tissue inside your body, such as muscles, organs, and fat, have various functions. Muscles help with movement and support, organs perform specific bodily functions like digestion and circulation, and fat provides energy storage and insulation. Together, these tissues help your body function properly and maintain homeostasis.

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Q: What does the quishy stuff inside your body do?
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How much gas do you have inside of your body?

I do not have a physical body, so I do not have gas inside of me.

What do tisues make up in the body?

Thsi are something that is inside our body which builds up inside

What is the jobs of the body's first line of defense?


How are hormones and neurotransmitters similar?

they both communicate stuff in the body

The location of the bones of your body?

Ideally inside.

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Why do women get cramps while on their period?

think of it this way as it is very scientifical. A women has her period to become fertile right? But in order to become fertile her body has to produce stuff. her body produces stuff inside her stomach. Its like there is a little man inside churning around looking for stuff to send out. Whilst looking he might hit a few tender organs. which creates pain. The cramps can be explained by the woman ovulating. Everything inside her becomes unsettled, hence she gets cramps. Hard to explain, hope u know what i mean.

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a virus will attach itself to a healthy cell and inject some bad stuff in to it and make it one of a bad cell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!