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Q: What does the information from the Kepler space telescope tells us about exoplanets?
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Who built the Kepler space telescope?

The Kepler space telescope was built by NASA's Ames Research Center in collaboration with Ball Aerospace. It was launched in 2009 with the primary goal of searching for exoplanets.

Who discovered Kepler-20e and kepler-20f?

NASA's space telescope "kepler"

Where is the Kepler telescope today?

The Kepler Space Telescope was retired in November 2018 after completing its mission to search for exoplanets. It remains in orbit around the Sun, following a heliocentric orbit, which means it is not currently in use and is not controlled by NASA.

What is the name of the telescope that will stay in space for three years?

Kepler telescope

What is the difference between the hubble and Kepler telescope?

"Kepler" is actually an observatory, rather than a telescope. It does, however, operate in space. "Hubble" is a telescope, in the true sense of the word and, again, it operates in space.

When did Kepler find Pluto?

Neither Johannes Kepler nor the Kepler Space Telescope discovered Pluto. Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930, long after Johannes Kepler died and long before the Kepler telescope was created. The Kepler telescope was built to discover planets in other solar systems, not our own.

Why can't hubble be used to detect extrasolar planets?

The Hubble Space Telescope primarily relies on imaging techniques to observe celestial objects, which makes detecting faint exoplanets around distant stars very challenging. Additionally, the telescope's small field of view and limited sensitivity to starlight interference further hinder its ability to directly detect exoplanets. Specialized ground-based observatories and space telescopes like the Kepler Space Telescope are typically used for detecting exoplanets.

Why are Kepler20-e and f named after Kepler?

They are named such because they were discovered using the Kepler space telescope, which was named in Kepler's honor for his contributions to planetary science.

Did they ever found a nother planet?

Yes, efforts to find other planets both in and out of the solar system are ongoing. Almost two thousand have been identified outside the solar system (exoplanets), including the first strong candidates for possible planets in another galaxy. The Kepler mission space telescope continues to gather data to identify exoplanets.

Does the planet Kepler really exist?

The planet Kepler refers to the Kepler space telescope, not a specific planet. The Kepler space telescope was launched by NASA to explore exoplanets. It has discovered thousands of potential new planets beyond our solar system.

Why are the new planets called Kepler?

The new planets are named after the Kepler Space Telescope, which was a NASA mission that searched for exoplanets using the transit method. The telescope discovered thousands of exoplanets during its mission.

Can we live at Kepler the new planet?

There is no single planet named Kepler. Planets discovered by the Kepler space telescope are given designations such as Kepler-22b or Kepler-69c. Very little is known about these planets, but most, if not all, would not be habitable for humans.