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The table was organized so that elements of similar properties are in the same group. What (partly) determines reactivity is the number of electrons an atom has in it's ground state.


Within the atom electrons are organized in shells. Atoms are stable when they have 8 electrons in their outer shell (for hydrogen and helium it is 2 electrons.)


Elements of:

Group 18 have 8 electrons in their outer shells

Group 17 have 7 electrons in their outer shells

Group 16 have 6 electrons in their outer shells

Group 15 have 5 electrons in their outer shells

Group 14 have 4 electrons in their outer shells

Group 13 have 3 electrons in their outer shells

Groups 3-12 have varied number of electrons in their outer shells

Group 2 have 2 electrons in their outer shells

Group 1 have 1 electron in their outer shells

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4mo ago

The group number in the Periodic Table indicates the number of valence electrons an element has. Elements with the same number of valence electrons tend to exhibit similar chemical properties and reactivity. Elements in the same group tend to react similarly because they have the same outer electron configuration.

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Q: What does the group of the periodic have to do with reactivity?
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