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The fleshy part of your ear, called the pinna or auricle, helps to collect and funnel sound waves into the ear canal. It also assists in localizing the source of a sound and provides some protection to the ear canal.

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Q: What does the fleshy part of your ear help do?
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What is the medical term meaning the fleshy part of the ear?

The lobe or lobule. lobulus auriculæ. See the related link for more information.its called the auricle.The soft, fleshy part of the external ear on the outside of the head is the Ear lobe

What fleshy part of the ear helps you hear sound?

gathers sound waves.

What is the part of the ear where one wears an earring called as?

The part of the ear where one wears an earring is called the earlobe or lobe. It is the soft, fleshy lower part of the ear that is commonly pierced for earrings.

How does sound get from sources to your ear?

The fleshy part of the outer ear collects the sounds and pulls them in to the canal and closer to the ear drum where they bounce off and reflect the sound back to the part of the brain that tells you ears to hear.

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The outer ear consist of the fleshy organ on the outside of your head, the ear cancal, and the ear drum.

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it the acene i.e fleshy thalamus

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Point Zero is on the auricle (fleshy part of the ear). Specifically, it is found in the center of the ear, where the helix (outside ridge) curves around back to the center of the ear. Point Zero is located at the end of this ridge.For a visual map, see:

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What is Fleshy Seed?

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