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Q: What does the Yellowstone volcano ash cinder lava or gas?
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What does the spray from an erupting volcano contain?

Lava, watervapour, ash, cinder, carbondioxide.

What type of lava does a cinder cone volcano have?

A cinder cone volcano typically has basaltic lava, which is low in silica content and flows easily. This results in the formation of steep-sided cones made of mostly cinders and volcanic ash.

A steep-sided volcano formed entirely of ash and cinders is a?

A Stratovolcano is a steep volcano made mostly of layers of ash, lava and cinders. Stratovolcanoes have a tendency to be very explosive and produce significant quantities of ash.

Is Eldfell volcano a cinder cone volcano?

Yes, Eldfell volcano is a cinder cone volcano. It is located on the Icelandic island of Heimaey and was formed during an eruption in 1973. Its distinct cone shape and composition of cinder and volcanic ash classify it as a cinder cone volcano.

Does the Yellowstone volcano lava go to pennslyvanna?

No. The Yellowstone volcano is 1,500 miles from Pennsylvania. Lava cannot flow that far, and rhyolitic lava such as that produced by the Yellowstone volcano is so viscous that it can can barely flow at all. However, the volcano's eruptions are explosive and produce large amounts of ash. This would be carried by upper level winds and would fall on Pennsylvania.

Is Mount Pelee a cinder shield composite?

Mount Pelee is a stratovolcano, which is a composite volcano that consists of both lava flows and layers of volcanic ash and tephra. It is not a cinder cone volcano, which is typically smaller in size and formed by eruptions of mostly cinder and ash.

Is Fuego volcano a shield volcano a compostie volcano or a cinder cone volcano?

Fuego volcano is a stratovolcano, which is a type of composite volcano. It is characterized by its steep-sided cone and alternating layers of lava, ash, and other volcanic material.

Is an ash cinder volcano and a cinder cone volcano the same thing?

kind of

Ash cinder and bombs form what type of volcano?

cinder cone volcano

What are two ways an ash andcinder volcano is different from a composite volcano?

An ash and cinder volcano, also known as a cinder cone, is typically smaller in size and composed of loose volcanic fragments like ash and cinders. In contrast, a composite volcano, or stratovolcano, is larger, more symmetrical, and made up of alternating layers of lava flows and volcanic ash. Additionally, composite volcanoes have more explosive eruptions compared to ash and cinder volcanoes.

How are cinder cone volcanos same as shield volcanos?

Both cinder cone and shield volcanoes are primarily composed of basaltic lava flows. However, cinder cone volcanoes are characterized by steep slopes, smaller size, and built up from pyroclastic material like ash and cinders, while shield volcanoes are much larger with gentle slopes built from numerous lava flows.

What type of lava flow does Yellowstone volcano have?

Yellowstone has produced both basaltic and rhyolitic lava flows. It is better known for its ecplosive eruptions, which produce large ash clouds and pyroclastic flows rather than lava flows.