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The CORE organization stands for Congress of Racial Equality. This organization played a huge role in the American civil rights movement to gain equal rights for African Americans.

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Q: What does the CORE organization do?
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What are the core values of an organization?

Core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide the behavior and decisions within an organization. They typically reflect the organization's culture, priorities, and vision, serving as a foundation for how employees interact, make decisions, and work towards common goals. Core values help define the identity of the organization and shape its overall approach to business.

Core function of an organization?

The core function of an organization is to fulfill its mission or purpose, typically by providing a product or service to its customers or clients. This involves tasks such as strategic planning, resource allocation, process management, and performance evaluation to ensure the organization's goals are achieved efficiently and effectively.

What is AFP Core Values?

AFP's core values are accountability, integrity, respect, and stewardship. These values guide the organization in its mission to advance philanthropy and support ethical fundraising practices.

Why is it important to preventing core competencies from becoming core rigidities?

Preventing core competencies from becoming core rigidities is important because it allows a company to stay adaptable and competitive in a changing market. Core rigidities can hinder innovation and limit the organization's ability to respond to new challenges or opportunities. By ensuring that core competencies remain flexible and open to evolution, a company can sustain its competitive advantage.

What is a core principle?

A core principle is a fundamental belief or value that guides the actions and decisions of an individual or organization. It serves as a foundational concept that shapes behavior and decision-making in line with a desired objective or philosophy.

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What is the core and support function in and organization?

The core and support function in an organization is marketing and distribution. Support functions are known to facilitate the core operations of the business.

What does the term core business mean?

The core business refers to the main function, or heart, of an organization. An organization's success hinges on the ability of the company to perform its core business.

What are core elements of the organization and activity safety program?

One core element of the organization and safety activity program is to prevent occupational diseases. The other core element is to prevent accidents.

What does the term cored mean?

The core business refers to the main function, or heart, of an organization. An organization's success hinges on the ability of the company to perform its core business.

What are the core values of an organization?

Core values are the fundamental beliefs that guide the behavior and decisions within an organization. They typically reflect the organization's culture, priorities, and vision, serving as a foundation for how employees interact, make decisions, and work towards common goals. Core values help define the identity of the organization and shape its overall approach to business.

What does the core do?

The CORE organization stands for Congress of Racial Equality. This organization played a huge role in the American civil rights movement to gain equal rights for African Americans.

What does the slang term hard core mean?

Hard core means serious, dedicated, active or committed - as in a hard core believer or member of an organization.

What is the technical core of an organization?

The technical core actually produces what the business or company is about, it is responsible for transforming the inputs into outputs . It is the production part of the organization where the manufacturing takes place. In the case of a school or university the teachers of the school would make up the technical core.

What is a small core organization that outsources major business functions?


What is the CORE organization?

CORE meaning Congress of Racial Equality was formed in 1942 by James Farmer to reduce segregation in the United States.

How do you evaluate vision and mission statement?

By comparing the statements with the organization's core activities

Who founded CORE?

CORE is an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality Synonym: Congress of Racial Equality