They look like blurs
what does Logan groove look like
What will a hill look like on a topographic map? How will a basin look different from a hill?
Ribosomes look like granes of sand
Ciliated Cells look like long, wavy hairs found near the lungs. Another weird thing is that they look like sea anemonie!
nice and hansem
he is 17 years old,2011
yes he is in a bit
i called my piplup AquaArmour. it doesn't go well for piplup but is awesome for empoleon because of the water-steel type!U copied SuperSkarmory!COPY CAT U copied SuperSkarmory
Superskarmory Munching orange And. Leuroi or chuggaconroy
Super Skarmory uses Pinnacle Studio 12 Ultimate. He was recently rumored to be switching to Adobe.
you go on youtube and type in "pokemon platinum walkthrough part one, then they will give you options of them,I perfur "superskarmory's" walkthroughs.
its kinda hard to explain try looking on youtube for superskarmory Pokemon platinum walktrhough follow the walkthrough and it will show you through the game
I might not know but go on youtube and search for this guy called superskarmory and he did a walkthrough of ocarina of time 3d