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Marble, an intermediate grade metamorphic rock.

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Q: What does sedimentary limestone turn into when heat and pressure is applied?
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What 2 things are applied to igneous or sedimentary rocks that make metamorphic rocks form?

Heat and pressure are applied to igneous or sedimentary rocks to make metamorphic rocks form. Heat causes mineral grains to recrystallize, while pressure helps to rearrange the mineral structure within the rock.

When sedimentary rock is changed by heat or pressure what does it form?

When sedimentary rock is changed by heat and pressure, it forms metamorphic rock. This process, known as metamorphism, alters the mineral composition, texture, and structure of the original sedimentary rock. Some common examples of metamorphic rocks formed from sedimentary rocks include marble from limestone and slate from shale.

Which metamorphic rock is formed from marble?

Limestone is typically the product of accumulated decomposed marine life as it settles to the bottom of a body of water.This sedimentary rock, laid down in earlier geological ages, is the starting material for marble.When limestone is exposed to geological pressure and heat, it changes (metamorphosizes) into marble.The metamorphic stone known as marble is highly alkaline, like limestone, but is far less porous (permeable), and much denser and harder.Marble quarries are areas of the earth that were once sea bottoms, then were exposed, through tectonic plate activity, to great heat and pressure.

What kind of rock is forms when heat and pressure of mountain building change sedimentary rock?

The sedimentary rock gets transformed into metamorphic rock under the heat and pressure of mountain-building processes. Examples of metamorphic rocks formed from sedimentary rocks include marble from limestone and schist from shale.

What rock form due to water and heat and pressure?

Sedimentary rocks like shale, limestone, and sandstone can form from water, as it carries sediments that accumulate, solidify, and become rock. Heat and pressure can transform existing rocks like limestone into marble and shale into slate, through the process of metamorphism.

Related questions

What sedimentary rock can be transformed by heat and pressure into marble?

Limestone and dolostone.

Into what rock does limestone metamorphose?

Limestone can metamorphose into marble when subjected to high pressures and temperatures during the metamorphic process.

What happens when heat and pressure is applied to sedimentary rock?

When heat and pressure are applied to sedimentary rock, it undergoes a process called metamorphism. This results in changes to the rock's mineralogy, texture, and structure, transforming it into metamorphic rock. The original sedimentary rock's characteristics are altered, creating new minerals and rock types such as gneiss, schist, and marble.

What metamorphic rock does chalk turn into after heat and pressure?

Chalk, which is a sedimentary rock made of calcium carbonate, typically transforms into marble under heat and pressure. Marble is a metamorphic rock that forms from the recrystallization of limestone or dolostone.

What was marble before it was altered by heat and pressure?

Marble was originally limestone, a sedimentary rock made primarily of calcite minerals from the remains of marine organisms. Heat and pressure from geological processes turned the limestone into marble through the process of metamorphism.

Is limestone a medaphic rock?

A what rock...?Limestone is sedimentary - the other two classes are igneous and metamorphic.Limestone will metamorphose in suitable conditions of heat and pressure, into marble.

A marble is a sedimentary metamorphic or igneous?

Marble, the rock, is metamorphic. From limestone.

What 2 things are applied to igneous or sedimentary rocks that make metamorphic rocks form?

Heat and pressure are applied to igneous or sedimentary rocks to make metamorphic rocks form. Heat causes mineral grains to recrystallize, while pressure helps to rearrange the mineral structure within the rock.

What causes fracturing of sedimentary rocks?

Any force applied on it, erosion, pressure and heat from underground.

When heat and pressure is applied to sedimentary rock it changes into what?

When heat and pressure are applied to sedimentary rock, it can change into metamorphic rock through a process called metamorphism. This process causes the original minerals in the sedimentary rock to recrystallize and form new minerals, resulting in a different texture and often a different composition.

What does a sedimentary rock before it can turn into a metamorphic rock?

Not sure what you are trying to ask. Sedimentary rocks form from sediments, but can be metamorphosed only by applied heat &/or pressure.

When sedimentary rock is changed by heat or pressure what does it form?

When sedimentary rock is changed by heat and pressure, it forms metamorphic rock. This process, known as metamorphism, alters the mineral composition, texture, and structure of the original sedimentary rock. Some common examples of metamorphic rocks formed from sedimentary rocks include marble from limestone and slate from shale.