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Objective description emphasizes presenting information in a factual and unbiased manner, without personal opinions or interpretations. It focuses on providing clear and accurate details about an object, event, or situation based on observations and evidence.

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Q: What does objective description emphasize?
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Objective clauses can be used in descriptions to provide additional details about a noun or pronoun. They typically answer the question "whom" or "what." To use objective clauses effectively, ensure that they are connected to the main clause and help provide more information or clarity to the description. For example, "The book that she recommended is on the shelf" incorporates an objective clause ("that she recommended") to describe the book further.

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The objective of the romanticism movement was to emphasize emotion, individualism, and the beauty of nature in response to the rationalism and order of the Enlightenment. It sought to explore human experience, imagination, and creativity in a more personal and intense way.

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She is a female with brown spots and is about 18 inches tall at her shoulder.

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Levels are for the objective measuring world. There is nothing called spiritual level. it is only a description that is not rigorous.

What is the difference between history and a story?

History is meant to be an objective narrative description of past events, while a story will be a subjective narrative description of either real past events or imaginary people and events.

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Machiavelli viewed The Prince as an objective description of political reality, humanistic form of a commentary on a classical text, his approach to political.

What can we do to facilitate your learning?

To facilitate my learning, providing clear and specific feedback on my responses, allowing me to interact with a diverse range of information sources, and incorporating opportunities for frequent practice and reinforcement of concepts would be helpful.

Which type of object best for freshers resume?

The best objective is that which clearly states how the candidate can be useful to the recruiter. Instead of stating a generalized objective for every job, one should tailor his objective as per the job description and requirements. For example, if one is applying for a firefighter's job then his objective should clearly state his intention of pursuing an adventurous job to serve the society using his agility and presence of mind.