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what does it mean when your left side hurt around abdomen and you vomit

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Q: What does it mean when your left side hurt around the abdemen and vomiting?
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Pain around the belly button area. May hurt worse with movement of left leg. Eventually nausea and vomiting, possibly a low grade fever. Two of my sisters had their appendix out and each time it started as a seeming stomach bug with stomach pains, then vomiting. Once they started not wanting to walk around they were taken to the ER. Hope your ok.

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There are many things that can make your left arm hurt. A heart attack can cause this, as well as something as simple as a pulled muscle or a bruised muscle.

Why does your left side of stomach hurt?

your left side.. is where your intestines are.... if it is upper left side pain it could be your pancreas or spleen.... but your left side can really hurt for the simpleist reasons, such as constipation It could be food posioning but I beleve you should see a doctor as soon as possible

Why does left side of stomach hurt?

your left side.. is where your intestines are.... if it is upper left side pain it could be your pancreas or spleen.... but your left side can really hurt for the simpleist reasons, such as constipation It could be food posioning but I beleve you should see a doctor as soon as possible

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Why should you lie on your left side when unconscious and vomiting?

Lying on your left side helps prevent choking if you are unconscious and vomiting by allowing the vomit to flow out of your mouth, rather than block your airway. This position also helps reduce the risk of aspiration, where vomit enters your lungs.

What would make your left arm hurt?

Possible causes of left arm pain include muscle strain, overuse, injury, or underlying medical conditions like inflammation, nerve compression, or heart issues like a heart attack. It's important to seek medical evaluation if the pain is severe, prolonged, or accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pain or difficulty breathing.