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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 3d ago

Having a sensation of fullness in your bladder and noticing a strong odor in your urine can be signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). It is important to see a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment if you experience these symptoms.

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Q: What does it mean when you pee and your bladder sill feels full and your urine smells a little?
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Can people do the urine with dogs bladder?

yes sure, I had a dog bladder for 2 years and I can still do the urine nicely. the operation people killed a dog and put the guts and the bladder inside me. my urine is dogish and smells like a dog urine but I can cope with it

What part of the urinary system holds urine until a person feels the need to urine?

The bladder.

Your pee smells bad Is there somthing wrong with you?

Bad smelling urine can be a sign of a bladder infection

How many urine in the bladder when someone feels like urinating?

The sensation of needing to urinate typically occurs when the bladder is around half full, which is roughly 200-400 milliliters of urine.

What is the name of the little bag that holds the urine?

The little bag that holds urine is called a urine collection bag or a urinary drainage bag.

What part of the urinary system holds urine until the person feels the need to urinate?

The bladder.

Where can I learn the signs of bladder cancer?

There are a few common signs that you have bladder cancer. You can look for urine that is generally a green shade of color. Even if your urine happens to be a natural color, if it smells different than it should you need to go to a doctor.

Is urine sticky?

no,but is a liquid if you touch it it feels like warm water also smells like rotten eggs

What body organ stores urine?

The bladder is the body organ that stores urine before it is eliminated from the body through urination.

Where is urine stored?

Urine is stored in the bladder, a hollow organ located in the lower abdomen. The bladder expands as it fills with urine from the kidneys and contracts when it is emptied through the urethra during urination.

What is the sack like structure that stores urine before it is removed from the body?

The bladder.

Where do the ureters take urine?

They carry the urine to the bladder. The urethra takes urine from the bladder to the outside.