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Q: What does it mean when the null hypothesis is rejected?
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How is null hypothesis tested?

The null hypothesis is typically tested using statistical tests such as t-tests, ANOVA, or chi-square tests. These tests calculate the probability of obtaining the observed data if the null hypothesis were true. If this probability (p-value) is below a certain threshold (usually 0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected.

On average what value is expected for the t statistic when the null hypothesis is true?

When the null hypothesis is true, the expected value for the t statistic is 0. This is because the t statistic is calculated as the difference between the sample mean and the hypothesized population mean, divided by the standard error, and when the null hypothesis is true, these values should be equal, resulting in a t statistic of 0.

What are the three parts of a hypotnesis statement?

A hypothesis statement consists of three parts: the null hypothesis (H0), the alternative hypothesis (Ha), and the level of significance (alpha). The null hypothesis states that there is no relationship or difference between variables, while the alternative hypothesis suggests the presence of a relationship or difference. The level of significance determines the threshold for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis based on statistical testing.

Is it possible to prove a hypothesis by conducting rigorously controlled experiments?

Rigorously controlled experiments can provide evidence to support or refute a hypothesis, but they cannot definitively prove a hypothesis. Scientific hypotheses are continually evaluated, refined, and occasionally rejected based on new evidence and further experimentation.

In what cases one can state the null hypotheses true?

The null hypothesis is typically assumed to be true in statistical hypothesis testing. It represents the scenario where there is no significant difference or effect observed between groups or conditions being compared. Researchers seek evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of an alternative hypothesis that suggests a real difference or effect exists.

Related questions

What do you call the statement that determines if the null hypothesis is rejected?

The hypothesis test.

Explain what is meant by null hypothesis?

The null hypothesis is an hypothesis about some population parameter. The goal of hypothesis testing is to check the viability of the null hypothesis in the light of experimental data. Based on the data, the null hypothesis either will or will not be rejected as a viable possibility.

What causes hypothesis to be rejected?

We have two types of hypothesis i.e., Null Hypothesis and Alternative Hypothesis. we take null hypothesis as the same statement given in the problem. Alternative hypothesis is the statement that is complementary to null hypothesis. When our calculated value is less than the tabulated value, we accept null hypothesis otherwise we reject null hypothesis.

What is the meaning of null hypthesis being rejected?

You may want to prove that a given statistic of a population has a given value. This is the null hypothesis. For this you take a sample from the population and measure the statistic of the sample. If the result has a small probability of being (say p = .025) if the null hypothesis is correct, then the null hypothesis is rejected (for p = .025) in favor of an alternative hypothesis. This can be simply that the null hypothesis is incorrect.

Is The probability at which the null hypothesis can be rejected with confidence is known as beta?


How many types of errors in taking a decision about Ho?

There are two types of errors associated with hypothesis testing. Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is rejected when it is true. Type II error occurs when the null hypothesis is not rejected when it is false. H0 is referred to as the null hypothesis and Ha (or H1) is referred to as the alternative hypothesis.

What is meant by null hypothesis rejected?

It tells us that H1,H0 (alternative )hypothesis is selected

What do you call a statement that determines if the null hypothesis is rejected?

it is called structural resources because it has null as word

When can a null hypothesis be rejected?

Usually when the test statistic is in the critical region.

If a test of hypothesis has a type I error probability of 0.01 it means?

It means that, if the null hypothesis is true, there is still a 1% chance that the outcome is so extreme that the null hypothesis is rejected.

What is the mean of a null hypothesis being rejected?

the hypothesis might be correct* * * * *The available evidence suggests that the observations were less likely to have been obtained from random variables that were distributed according to the null hypothesis than under the alternative hypothesis against which the null was tested.

Is The probability at which the null hypothesis can be rejected with confidence is known as level of significance?
