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To do right without having to stop and think about it.

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Q: What does it mean to have good instincts?
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What does Socrates mean by bad men live that they may eat and drink while good men eat and drink that they may live?

He meant that "bad men" care only about indulging their most basic instincts. "Good men" address the most basic instincts as necessary, so they can then go out and do something worthwhile with their lives.

What does baser instincts mean?

she left the radial lines alone

What does be true to thy own heart mean?

Follow your instincts.

What are positives qualities of a Yorkshire pig?

that they have good mothering instincts

Can lions be a good pet?

No. They are considered a wild animal have the instincts to kill to feed

What do you call a biologically determined innate patterns of behavior?


Do penguins have Instincts?

Yes, penguins have instincts that help them survive in their natural habitats. These instincts include hunting for food, nesting, evading predators, and navigating across long distances, including during migrations. Penguins rely on these instincts to thrive in their challenging environments.

What is a really good and mature sentence for transcend?

It's important to transcend your base instincts.

Are all animal born with a protective instinct?

Almost all animals were born with protective instincts ,Protective instincts just mean the ways the animals go about keeping themselves safe.

Will a black panther make a good pet why or why not?

Wild animals do not make good pets. Animals have instincts that allow them to survive.

Do monkeys instincts?

monkey has a lot of instincts