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Quasars being most common at a redshift of around 2 means that they were more prevalent in the universe's past. The redshift indicates their distance and age, suggesting that quasars were more abundant when the universe was younger. This redshift value corresponds to a time when many galaxies were undergoing intense star formation and black hole activity, leading to more quasars.

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Q: What does it mean that quasars are most common at a redshift of about 2?
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Are quasars the most unusual type of active galaxy?

Quasars are the unusual type of active galaxy in the universe.

How long have most quasars that are very distant implies that they were formed?

The fact that most quasars are very distant means they were like that when the Universe was quite a bit younger than it is today.

Describe two key aspects of quasars?

Bright, distant, powerful, energetic, at the center of the galaxy.

Why do quasars exist?

Quasars are powered by supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies. These black holes are surrounded by a hot accretion disk of gas and dust, which releases enormous amounts of energy as the material spirals inwards. This energy is emitted in the form of intense radiation and jets of particles, making quasars some of the brightest objects in the universe.

What are two keys aspects of quasars?

There the most brightest and distant objects.

What are quasars and where are they found in the universe?

All quasars are located at a great distance from us. Of the quasars discovered, they range from between 780 million and 28 billion light years away. Because of these distances and the velocity of light, we are seeing them early on in the creation of the Universe. They are very rare they have only found about 20 or so. See related link for more information.

What type of energy do quasars give off?

Quasars give off electromagnetic energy in the form of visible light, X-rays, and radio waves. They are some of the brightest and most powerful sources of energy in the universe, with intense emissions originating from supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies.

Do Quasers emit light?

Yes, quasars are the most luminous objects in the universe.

Where does the energy emitted by AGN and quasars most likely originate?

The energy emitted by AGN and quasars most likely originates from the supermassive black hole at their center. As matter falls into the black hole, it releases energy in the form of radiation and powerful jets of particles, creating the intense emission observed from these objects.

How red shift connect with universe expanding?

The expansion of the Universe results in the light from faraway galaxies being redshifted. This is called the "cosmological redshift"; it can be compared with the Doppler effect (which also causes a redshift), but the details are somewhat difference.It is an observed fact that most galaxies are redshifted; the explanation that seems most reasonable is that it is caused by the cosmological redshift. This means that space itself is expanding.

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If you mean 'solvent', water is the most common one.