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Q: What does it creates when the air is heavy and sinks?
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What kind of weather is heavy dense air that sinks?

Heavy, dense air that sinks typically creates stable weather conditions with clear skies and light winds. This type of air mass is associated with high pressure systems, leading to calm and dry conditions.

When air is heavy its sink what is create?

When the air is heavy and it sinks, it creates fair weather. Fair weather would be nice, with mild temperatures, and a few clouds in the sky. Typically, fair weather means there isn't much of a chance of rain.

When air is heavy it sinks and creats a?

fair weather

When air is heavy it sinks and create?

fair weather

What does the air at the poles do when it is colder and denser than the surrounding air?

The cold and dense air at the poles sinks towards the surface. This creates a high-pressure system that can lead to cold and stable weather conditions.

What is heavy dense air that sinks?

Heavy dense air that sinks is known as cold air. Cold air is more dense than warm air, causing it to sink towards the ground. This sinking motion can lead to stable atmospheric conditions and the suppression of cloud formation.

What forms when heated air expands and cooler air sinks below the warmer air?

This process is known as convection, where warmer air expands and rises while cooler air is denser and sinks. This creates a circulating pattern of air movement, leading to the formation of clouds and weather systems.

Does cold rise and heat sink?

No, heat rises and cold sinks. When air or water is heated, it becomes less dense and rises, while cooler air or water is denser and sinks. This movement creates convection currents that transfer heat throughout a fluid.

Does the air in a high pressure area rise or fall?

The air in a high pressure area sinks due to the increased weight of the atmosphere pressing down on it. This sinking motion creates stable weather conditions with generally clear skies.

Why a ball of steel sinks but boat made of steel floats?

The steel boat has more bouyancy because it is mostley filled with air as with the steel ball it is dence and heavy so it sinks

How does air mass forms?

The Sun's heat causes air masses to form and circulate in the atmosphere. This movement creates differences in air pressure, which in turn, creates winds. Air moves horizontally because of differences in pressure. When air is heated, the air expands, the density decreases, and the air rises. When air is cooled, the air becomes more dense and sinks.

Cooler air is more dense and sinks causing what kind of atmospheric pressure?

Cooler air is more dense and sinks, causing higher atmospheric pressure at the surface. This is because the higher density of cooler air molecules creates a greater weight and exerts more pressure on the underlying surface.